Top 9 Universities to Study Aviation in Turkey

The aviation profession is one of the most prestigious and sought-after professions worldwide. Many students, especially those interested in travel and aviation adventures, choose to pursue aviation colleges or universities that offer aviation programs after completing high school. Turkey is considered one of the best countries for this field of study. In this article, we will delve into the study of aviation in Turkey in detail, including the branches and departments that can be pursued, the best universities, the duration of study, and job opportunities after graduation. Now, let’s delve deeper.

A Brief Overview of the Aviation Field

The aviation field encompasses almost every aspect of air travel and related activities. This includes all airline operations, aircraft manufacturing, research companies, military aviation, and a variety of other industries intertwined with the aviation industry. Due to the importance and sensitivity of this field, specialized aviation colleges or dedicated departments within technical and engineering universities are established to allow interested students in aircraft, engineering, physics, and aviation to pursue a certified degree in aviation.

Study Aviation in Turkey

Aviation is one of the key fields in Turkey, and the demand for graduates in this field is increasing in both the local and global job markets. Turkey is a popular tourist destination that receives thousands of flights at its airports every year. This has led to an increased focus on developing and expanding airports and the aviation sector in general. The Turkish government values this specialization as it contributes to the development of aviation services and tourism in the country.

Study Aviation in Turkey

Turkish colleges offer specialized workshops for aviation disciplines and negotiate agreements with numerous airlines and airports to provide students with highly efficient training periods. These measures provide students with sufficient experience and qualify them to face any challenges they may encounter in their careers. Therefore, studying aviation in Turkey is one of the most desirable academic fields for international students. Aviation studies in Turkey focus on learning and understanding all aspects of aviation and aircraft. This includes studying aviation theories, aeronautical design and engineering, and electronic and mechanical systems related to aircraft and engines.

This field requires high technical skills and the ability to deal with technical challenges and changing weather conditions. There is growing local and international interest in aviation studies due to the continuous expansion of the aviation industry and the increasing number of flights, which necessitates the continuous development of the aviation industry.

Aviation Departments and Branches

Enrolling in specialized aviation colleges or the aviation department in Turkish technical and engineering universities allows students to study various branches of aviation of their choice. During these studies, students are provided with all the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to work in the civil and military aviation sectors. The branches include:

  1. Commercial Aviation Department: Focuses on training pilots to operate commercial aircraft.
  2. Private Aviation Department: Focuses on small aircraft and personal aviation.
  3. Aircraft Maintenance Department: Trains students in aircraft maintenance and repair.
  4. Aviation Management Department: Teaches students how to manage and operate airlines and airports.
  5. Aeronautical Engineering: Focuses on designing and developing aircraft systems and technologies.

Duration of Aviation Studies in Turkey

The duration of aviation studies in Turkey is generally four years to obtain a bachelor’s degree in aviation, divided into eight academic semesters. However, if studying in Turkish and the student does not provide a certificate indicating their proficiency in the Turkish language, a preparatory language year will be added before starting the academic program.

Study Aviation -Turkey

Aviation Study Subjects

study aviation in Turkey, students study all the subjects that qualify them to work in the aviation sector upon graduation. These subjects are divided into the following years of study:

  • Flight Training
  • Meteorology
  • Aircraft Maintenance
  • Aerodynamics
  • Aviation Regulations
  • Aircraft Structures
  • Space Structures
  • Aircraft Mechanics
  • Aircraft Control
  • Mechanics and Resistance
  • Aircraft Design
  • Aircraft Propulsion
  • Air Transport
  • Spacecraft Design

Career Opportunities after Graduation

After completing aviation studies in Turkey, students obtain a bachelor’s degree in aviation, which qualifies them to work locally and internationally in the civil, military, and commercial aviation sectors in the following fields:

  • Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
  • Aircraft Design Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Operations Technician
  • Avionics Engineering

A master’s degree in aviation engineering qualifies graduates for positions in aviation management, aircraft manufacturing, engineering, and safety. A doctoral degree is considered the final degree in aviation and is primarily intended for individuals interested in directing aviation research or pursuing academic teaching.

Costs of Aviation Study in Turkey

Tuition fees to study aviation in Turkey vary from university to university, depending on the capabilities and type of the university, whether it is a public or private institution. Generally, however, tuition fees in Turkey are lower compared to tuition fees in other countries’ universities. As a general range, tuition fees can range from $2,500 to USD 10,000 annually.

Aviation engineering in Turkey

Advantages of Aviation Study in Turkey

Studying aviation in Turkey provides students with numerous advantages and unique opportunities to pursue a prestigious career in the aviation industry. This is because Turkey has an advanced aviation sector and offers many programs, technical universities, and engineering universities that meet the educational and training needs in the field of aviation. Here are some advantages you can gain if you are interested in studying aviation in Turkey:

  • Universities and Institutions: Turkey has multiple universities and institutions that offer aviation programs. These institutions provide bachelor’s and postgraduate programs in fields such as aviation engineering, aviation management, and pilot training.
  • Program Options: Depending on your interests and career goals, you can choose from a wide range of aviation-related programs offered by Turkish universities. There are programs in aviation engineering that focus on aircraft design, manufacturing, and maintenance. Aviation management programs cover various areas such as airport management, flight operations, and air transport economics.
  • Medium of Instruction: While Turkish universities primarily use the Turkish language for their curriculum, some universities offer aviation studies in English. This facilitates foreign students in studying this field without language barriers.
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid: Turkey offers many scholarships and financial aid options for international students. The Turkish government provides the Turkish Scholarships program, which supports international students pursuing undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies.
  • Work Opportunities During Studies: Some universities provide scholarships or part-time job opportunities for students to support them financially during their study period.
  • Advanced Aviation Infrastructure: Turkey has an advanced infrastructure for the aviation sector, with numerous airports and airlines throughout the country. This provides students with opportunities for internal training, practical training, and real-world aviation experience during their studies.
  • Job Opportunities: Aviation studies in Turkey open up many job opportunities for students. Aviation engineers can work in aircraft manufacturing companies, research institutions, or aviation consultancy firms. Graduates of aviation management can hold positions in airline operations, airport management, air traffic control, or aviation consultancy.

Best Private Turkish Universities for Aviation Studies:

  1. Istanbul Medipol University
  2. Atilim University
  3. Beykoz University
  4. Ozyegin University
  5. Bahcesehir University
  6. Istanbul Bilgi University
  7. Istanbul Aydin University
  8. Istanbul Okan University
  9. Istanbul Gelisim University

How to Apply to Turkish Universities:

  • Payment of the university application fee.
  • Proficiency certificate in the language.
  •  In the case of studying in English, passing the TOEFL or IELTS language test with a score determined by the university is required.
  • In the case of studying in Turkish, passing the TOMER Turkish language test or attending a preparatory year is required.

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Required Documents:

To register at Turkish Universities, there are several documents required, and the student must submit these files and documents before sending the university application. It is sufficient to send them in PDF or JPG format during the initial registration stage for the student to obtain provisional acceptance at the university. These documents may vary depending on the undergraduate or graduate level, but some documents are common to both stages. The following are the necessary documents for the application:

For undergraduate and institute students:

  • Valid passport.
  • Recent passport-sized photo (white background).
  • Copy of high school diploma.
  • Student’s email address.

For graduate students:

  • Bachelor’s degree certificate for graduate students.
  • Translated copy of the transcript in English or Turkish.
  • Receipt of payment for the application fee.
  • Recommendation letters (Master’s, Ph.D.).

Finally, we hope that we have covered all the information in this article that will help our students make their decision regarding studying aviation in Turkey. Additionally, we have provided an overview of the best universities to join, important departments, and career opportunities available after graduation. You can now contact us if you have any inquiries about other majors that can be studied or if you need recommendations regarding studying in Turkey.

The best Turkish language translator | 5 important apps

If you’re looking for a Turkish language translator and can’t easily find someone to help, it can take a lot of time and negotiation to get what you need to be translated. However, with the advancement of technology and the digital age, translation has become much easier for anyone who needs to translate to and from different languages.

You can now use an app to help you translate images containing phrases and words in Turkish that you don’t understand, or perform direct voice translations from Turkish to Arabic or vice versa. In this article, we will explore the top 5 essential applications that can be relied upon for instant translation to and from Turkish without much effort.

Turkish language translator

Top Applications as Turkish Language Translator

Effective communication across language barriers is a continuous challenge in our modern world. There is an increasing need for effective communication between different cultures. Among the languages gaining more attention is Turkish. If you are a student studying in Turkey, translating Turkish into Arabic becomes crucial for understanding many phrases and achieving good, effective communication to overcome any obstacles you may encounter. Therefore, having reliable translation applications for this language is essential.

However, it’s important to note that machine translation may face some challenges and may not be accurate in all cases, especially concerning specific vocabulary and cultural expressions. Therefore, it’s always essential to verify the accuracy of the translation and ensure a correct understanding of the texts before fully relying on the translation.

Additionally, using translation applications can stimulate cultural and social interaction among individuals from different cultural backgrounds, thereby enhancing mutual understanding and building bridges of friendship across these cultures.

Translation applications play a vital role in facilitating communication between individuals, Specially, as a Turkish language translator. While many applications are available worldwide, some stand out for their effectiveness and accuracy in translating Turkish. These applications also offer various features that make translation easier for you. Here are some of the most important applications.

Google translate

1) Google Translate

Google Translate is one of the most prominent language translation applications and serves as an excellent Turkish language translator. Despite some criticisms for translating sentences rather than in the correct context, it offers numerous features that can simplify your translation needs:

  • Supports over 95% of the languages used globally.
  • Provides direct voice translation support.
  • Respond quickly to translation requests.
  • Can translate written texts without internet access.
  • Translates various images and documents containing written words and texts.
  • Completely free to use.

2) Yandex Translate

Yandex Translate has become a notable application in the field of machine translation and is a good Turkish language translator. Its key features include:

Yandex translate

  • Supports translation of a wide range of languages, including Turkish, making it ideal for students studying in Turkey who need to communicate with Turkish speakers.
  • High accuracy and immediate response, aiding effective communication.
  • Allows translation of short and long texts, as well as text from images and voice translation, increasing its versatility in various contexts.
  • User-friendly interface, easy to navigate, suitable for all user levels, including beginners.
  • Offline translation capabilities, enable users to rely on the app even without an internet connection, making it useful for travel, study, and use in areas with intermittent internet service.

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3) Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator is one of the leading tools for language translation, excelling as a Turkish language translator among many other languages offered by Microsoft. It facilitates communication across different languages and provides a variety of features that make the translation process smoother and more effective. Here are the key features of this translator:

Microsoft Translator

  • Supports Over 70 Languages: Microsoft Translator supports the translation of more than 70 commonly used languages worldwide.
  • Text Translation: Like other translation applications, it supports traditional text translation.
  • User-Friendly Interface: It offers an easy-to-use interface that allows for quick and easy text translation, whether via smartphones or computers.
  • Image Translation: The app supports translating text contained in images.
  • Voice Translation: It can be used as a Turkish language translator by supporting direct voice translation from and to Turkish.
  • Offline Use: It can be used online or offline, making it a useful tool in various scenarios and conditions.

4) Hi Translate Chat Translator

Hi, Translate is a leading application in language translation, featuring a set of attributes that make it an ideal choice for facilitating communication with friends across various messaging apps like WhatsApp and Messenger.

The vision of this app is to provide an effective and innovative means of translating texts and conversations between people speaking different languages. As a great Turkish language translator, it can be used within social media applications, utilizing seamless and efficient machine translation technology.

Hi Translate

Key Features of Hi Translate:

  1. Free for All Users: The application is entirely free.
  2. Versatile Usage: It supports traditional translation, screen translation, and conversation translation within social media chat applications.
  3. Screen Translation: It supports screen translation via a translation lens for texts displayed on your mobile screen.
  4. Supports 135 Languages: The app translates texts into up to 135 languages.
  5. Offline Use: It can be used without an internet connection.
  6. Quick Response: It offers very fast translation responses.
  7. AI-Powered Translation: The app uses AI technology to support camera translation.

5) iTranslate Translator

iTranslate is a powerful and effective tool for translating various languages, including as a Turkish language translator. With its comprehensive features, iTranslate is ideal for people who need instant and accurate translation of conversations and texts, whether they are at university, work, traveling, or in daily life.


Key Features of iTranslate:

  1. Supports Multiple Languages: It facilitates text and conversation translation between many languages, including Turkish, aiding communication between people from different countries and cultures.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The app’s interface is easy to use, making translation smooth and comfortable for all user levels.
  3. Free with Paid Options: The app is free, with paid subscription plans to remove ads and enable offline translation.
  4. Supports Over 100 Languages: It translates more than 100 languages globally.
  5. AI Technology: The app supports smart translation via the camera and text-to-speech via a smart reader.
  6. Comprehensive Dictionary: It provides various translations for the same word or phrase.
  7. Instant Translation: It offers instant text and conversation translation, accelerating communication and overcoming language barriers easily.
  8. Customizable Experience: The app offers multiple options to customize the translation experience according to user needs, including audio settings and language preferences.


In this article, we discussed five of the top language translation applications, each of which can also function as a Turkish language translator. These applications provide various features that facilitate communication across different languages with a focus on Turkish, helping you translate to and from Arabic or any language you desire.

With user-friendly interfaces, instant and accurate translation, and support for a wide range of languages, these essential applications can be valuable partners in overcoming language barriers and achieving effective communication, particularly for students from diverse cultures and backgrounds studying the Turkish language.

The Cost of Studying Medicine in Turkey at Private Universities

Have you ever wondered which country has the largest number of medical universities? Turkey is certainly one of the competitors, as there are about 90 medical universities, with more than 10 teaching in English. The cost of studying medicine in Turkey is lower compared to European medical universities, making Turkey one of the preferred countries for students who want to study medicine abroad. Turkey is also renowned for its advanced healthcare standards, attracting some of the world’s best doctors to practice their profession there.

Due to its strategic location between Europe and the Middle East, medical education in Turkey has significantly developed over the years. Regardless of the medical faculty you choose when deciding to study in Turkey, it will be a distinctive decision due to the modern infrastructure, high-quality education, and the affordable cost of studying medicine in Turkey. Now, let’s delve deeper into everything related to studying medicine to assist our students in their decision to study abroad.

Studying Medicine in Turkey for International Students

For many foreign students, studying medicine abroad, especially in Turkey, is a dream for most Studying medicine in their home country can be challenging try due to high requirements or expensive tuition fees. Therefore, considering Turkey’s low cost of studying medicine, it has become an ideal destination for international students who aspire to become doctors and practice medicine.

studying medicine in Turkey

Students can study medicine in Turkey in English or Turkish, provided they have proficiency in the language of study. In addition to the language, there are many benefits of studying medicine at Turkish universities, including:

  1. Getting acquainted with thousands of students from all over the world who study at Turkish universities during the study period, increases cultural and civilizational diversity.
  2. Despite the high status of the medical profession and its high tuition fees in most international universities, the cost of studying medicine in Turkey is low compared to other universities in European countries.
  3. In addition to the affordable cost of studying medicine in Turkey, the cost of living is also low and can be borne by international students, especially Arabs.
  4. The certificates obtained by students from Turkish universities are internationally recognized and compatible with the World Health Organization, qualifying graduate students to practice medicine in their home countries and any country in the world.
  5. Many colleges teach medicine entirely in English in Turkey.
  6. When studying medicine in Turkey, students receive a high level of education and have the opportunity to train in top-notch international university hospitals.
  7. Turkey is characterized by a welcoming culture, atmosphere, and living conditions that students receive from the local Turkish population during their study period.
  8. There is a large number of public and private universities to choose from for students.

Duration of Studying Medicine in Turkey

Studying medicine in Turkish universities usually takes six years, where the academic path is divided into two years of pre-clinical study, three years of clinical study, and one year of government clinical practice or practical training. Graduates obtain the title of “Doctor” upon completion of the program (MD).

  • First and Second Year: As in other countries, students study basic sciences during these years.
  • Third Year: Starting from the third year, students receive a theoretical and practical introduction to diseases.
  • Fourth and Fifth Year: Consist of clinical training.
  • Sixth Year: Students spend their final year of medical study as trainee practitioners under training in the university hospital, assuming the duties of a regular doctor. Students in the sixth year are referred to as “interns,” and this is the preparatory stage for assistant medical education in Turkey.

cost of studying medicine in Türkiye

Requirements for studying medicine in Turkey

  • Payment of the university application fee.
  • Proficiency certificate in the language.
  •  In the case of studying in English, passing the TOEFL or IELTS language test with a score determined by the university is required.
  • In the case of studying in Turkish, passing the TOMER Turkish language test or attending a preparatory year is required.

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Required Documents:

To register to study medicine, there are several documents required, and the student must submit these files and documents before sending the university application. It is sufficient to send them in PDF or JPG format during the initial registration stage for the student to obtain provisional acceptance at the university. These documents may vary depending on the undergraduate or graduate level, but some documents are common to both stages. The following are the necessary documents for the application:

For undergraduate and institute students:

  • Valid passport.
  • Recent passport-sized photo (white background).
  • Copy of high school diploma.
  • Student’s email address.

For graduate students:

  • Bachelor’s degree certificate for graduate students.
  • Translated copy of the transcript in English or Turkish.
  • Receipt of payment for the application fee.
  • Recommendation letters (Master’s, Ph.D.).

Studying medicine in Turkey in English

Of course, there is a possibility to study medicine in Turkey in English. However, you should remember that starting from the third year, you need to be in contact with patients and communicate with them in Turkish. In most cases, this shouldn’t be a problem because you would have acquired the basics of the Turkish language through your interactions with students and Turkish residents in Turkey during the past three years of study. Your language proficiency would be sufficient to communicate with patients.

Private Turkish universities for studying medicine

  1. Altinbas University
  2. Atılım University
  3. Biruni University
  4. Medipol University
  5. Okan University
  6. Yeni Yuzyil University
  7. Baskent University
  8. Uskudar University
  9. Yeditepe University

Cost of studying medicine in Turkey at private universities

The Cost of Studying Medicine in Turkey at private Turkish universities ranges from $20,000 to $30,000, depending on the quality of the university, the city, and the local and international accreditations the university has obtained previously. One of the advantages of private universities is that their admission requirements are not complicated.

Studying medicine at Altinbas University

Altinbas University was established in 2008 in Istanbul and is among the top three universities preferred by international medical students in Turkey. The university hosts more than 3,700 international students from 84 countries. The cost of studying medicine at Altinbas University in Turkey is $21,000 per year.

Altinbas University

The university provides separate dormitories for girls and boys, with the buildings containing single, triple, and quadruple rooms. The annual dormitory fees vary based on the type of room chosen by the student, ranging from $2,250 to $4,050. The fees include electricity, heating, water, Wi-Fi service, cleaning services, laundry, and a gym.

Studying medicine at Bahcesehir University

Bahcesehir University is a private institution of higher education founded in 1998. Its main campus is located on the shores of the Bosphorus in Besiktas. The medical faculty at the university offers English-language instruction.

Every year, Bahcesehir University accepts 72 international students for the 6-year medical program. The cost of this program is $27,000 per year. During their studies, students have the opportunity to receive theoretical and clinical training in the best clinics and hospitals, qualifying them to practice medicine professionally after graduation.

The student dormitories attached to the university are divided into single, double, and triple rooms. The monthly rent ranges from $500 to $750, including water, gas, electricity, and Wi-Fi.

Studying medicine in Turkey without YÖS

The YÖS exam is a selection and placement test that foreign students who wish to study at government universities in Turkey are required to pass. However, you will not need to take this exam when studying at any private university throughout Turkey. Additionally, some government universities do not require this test if you have a good score on the SAT.

In conclusion, we have provided in this article everything related to studying the human medicine program in Turkey, the benefits and advantages you can gain during your studies, and the opportunity to take advantage of the lower cost of studying medicine in Turkey, which cannot be obtained when studying in any other European country. If you have any inquiries about studying in Turkey, please feel free to contact us. The Safa team is always here to welcome you.

Most popular language tests for studying in Turkiye

Language tests in Turkish universities vary between Turkish and English. Many students are concerned about these tests and how to prepare for them. They also wonder if the university they plan to attend requires a specific test, which can influence their decision to take an additional preparatory year.

This article will clarify some important language tests recognized in Turkey and guide students on the path they need to follow.

language tests

Language Tests in Turkish Universities

In Turkey, language tests are a fundamental part of the admission process in universities and other educational institutions, especially for international students who wish to study in Turkish universities. Each university has different requirements regarding language tests.

Some universities only accept the unified YOS test, while others accept TOEFL and IELTS. Additionally, some universities require the TÖMER test. The choice of test depends on the language of instruction in the various academic programs.

These tests assess the level of Turkish language proficiency, and in some cases, English proficiency, determining whether students are qualified to study in Turkish or English, or if they need an additional preparatory year or other educational courses. Here are the most important language tests recognized by Turkish universities and internationally.

1) TÖMER Test

The TÖMER test is one of the most renowned Turkish language tests recognized in Turkey for international students. It is conducted annually for international students who wish to enroll in Turkish universities. The test is administered by Turkish cultural institutes (TÖMER) and includes assessments of vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking skills.

Tomer exam

General Composition of the TÖMER Test

The TÖMER test consists of several sections aimed at evaluating vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, and speaking skills. The purpose of the test is to assess students’ ability to use Turkish in various contexts.

– Test Dates: The dates for the TÖMER test vary depending on the cultural institute offering it. There might be a fixed schedule for certain tests, or the dates might be determined based on demand and registration.

– Required Score to Pass: The score required to pass the TÖMER test varies depending on the educational institution and the academic program. Generally, the minimum required score to pass the test is around 60% of the total marks.

– Estimated Cost: The cost of the TÖMER test varies from one institute to another and can be influenced by factors such as the student’s educational level and the number of sections they are tested in. Typically, the cost of the test can reach up to approximately $350.

2) TOEFL Test

If you are aiming to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate studies in English, passing a language test is necessary to demonstrate your English proficiency. The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is one of the standardized tests widely recognized worldwide. Here are some details about the TOEFL test:

اختبار توفل

  • Organizing Body: The TOEFL is organized by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States. It comes in two formats: a paper-based test and an internet-based test. The primary purpose of the TOEFL is to assess your ability to understand spoken and written English and to evaluate your academic writing skills.
  • Global Acceptance: The TOEFL is an academic test conducted in over 4,500 centers and recognized in 165 countries. More than 7,500 universities and educational institutions worldwide accept TOEFL scores for English language programs, scholarships, or migration purposes.

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  • Registration and Cost: You can register for the TOEFL through to secure your university admission easily. The test costs vary by location and country, typically ranging from $160 to $250. Additional fees may apply for services like sending scores to institutions. The required score to pass the TOEFL depends on the university and program, generally ranging from 60 to 100 out of 120.
  • Preparation: Candidates are advised to prepare using available educational resources such as books, websites, and training courses. Support from qualified teachers can also be beneficial.
  • Importance for Turkish Universities: Scoring well on the TOEFL is often a crucial requirement for admission to English-medium programs in Turkish universities.

3) IELTS Test

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is another global language test widely accepted by universities and educational institutions worldwide. Established in 1989 by the British Council, here are the key details about the IELTS test:



Test Types: The IELTS is divided into two types: the Academic test, suitable for university students, and the General test, suitable for adding a certificate to your CV. The Academic test assesses English proficiency in an academic context, while the General test is less demanding.

Test Structure: The IELTS consists of four parts: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. Each section measures specific skills, with short breaks between sections.

Score Requirements: To be accepted by Turkish universities, candidates typically need a score between 5.5 and 7.0 out of 9.

Cost: The cost of the IELTS varies by country and university, generally ranging from $200 to $250. Check the official IELTS website for current fees.

Test Availability: The IELTS is available year-round at accredited test centers globally, allowing candidates to choose suitable dates and times.

4) YDS Test

The YDS (Yabancı Dil Sınavı) is a Turkish language proficiency test for evaluating foreign language skills. Organized by the Turkish Measurement, Selection, and Placement Center (ÖSYM), here are the details about the YDS test:

اختبار YDS

Test Content: The YDS includes questions to assess reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and translation skills.

Test Duration and Format: The test comprises 80 questions and lasts 180 minutes. The passing score requirements vary depending on the institution, with scores categorized as follows:

90-100: Excellent (A)
80-89: Very Good (B)
70-79: Good (C)
60-69: Average (D)
50-59: Acceptable (E)

Test Schedule: The YDS is conducted twice a year, in April and October, with registration available on the ÖSYM website.

Recognition: Some major universities may also accept other language tests like the German TestDaF or French DELF/DALF, depending on the program requirements.

Choosing the Right Language Test

Students must choose a language test based on the language requirements of their desired academic program or career. As mentioned earlier, the choice depends on the program’s language of instruction and the student’s proficiency in that language. By understanding these tests and preparing accordingly, students can ensure they meet the necessary language standards for studying in Turkey.

Ankara Universities | Top 5 Private Universities in Ankara

The dream of studying in Turkey attracts foreign students from various Arab and Western countries alike. Ankara, the capital city, is one of the most important Turkish cities, and this is reflected in the quality of education. There is great interest in academic institutions, and there are several private universities in Ankara that open their doors to students every year to study various disciplines and programs at different academic levels, starting from undergraduate degrees, through master’s degrees, and ending with obtaining a doctoral degree. Therefore, in this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the top 5 private universities in the Turkish capital, Ankara, to help our students gain an overview of these universities and assist them in making their decision to study in Turkey.

Studying in Turkey

Studying in Turkey represents a great opportunity for students who want to pursue their higher education abroad at prestigious and locally and internationally accredited universities. Private universities in Ankara are among the most sought-after universities by students when deciding to study in Turkey. Being the capital, there is great emphasis on the infrastructure of universities and providing all the facilities that students need during their studies. In general, studying in Turkey represents a unique experience that cannot be achieved anywhere else, and the most important advantages of studying in Turkey include the following:

  • Turkish universities are locally and internationally recognized and adhere to global education standards, making them among the top-ranked universities globally. The degrees obtained from these universities qualify students to work on a global scale and are recognized in all Arab and Western countries.
  • Private universities in Ankara offer a wide range of study programs in various disciplines, including engineering, medicine, natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, and business administration. This diversity allows students to choose programs that align with their academic interests and career goals.
    The cost of studying in Turkey is reasonable and affordable for students compared to other universities in European countries.
  • Students enjoy a unique life experience during their studies due to the low cost of living, making it an economical choice for international students.
  • Turkey serves as a bridge between East and West and welcomes all international students. This cultural diversity allows students to learn about different cultures and nationalities and gain new life experiences.
    Studying in Turkey is available in the Turkish language, in addition to English. This provides foreign students with the ease of studying academic programs without the fear of language barriers. Universities also provide a preparatory year for language proficiency before starting the academic program for students who do not submit a certificate demonstrating their language proficiency.

Overview of Ankara City

Ankara is the political center and capital of Turkey, located between the continents of Europe and Asia. Ankara’s elevation is 938 meters above sea level, and its weather is characterized by high temperatures during the summer days while being pleasant at night. In winter, the cold intensifies, and the Ankara region experiences snowfall.


Translation: Ankara city includes many tourist landmarks, with a large number of Ottoman mosques such as Haci Bayram Mosque and Alaaddin Mosque. It also houses over 50 museums, including the Independence War Museum, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, the Roman Theater, Ankara Castle, Wonderland Park, Lake Mavi Göl, and Lake Kara Göl.

As the capital of Turkey, education holds a significant place in Ankara, especially higher education. It is home to a large number of prestigious, accredited, and locally and globally recognized universities. Among Ankara’s universities, several important private universities attract both Arab and Western international students. In addition to studying in Turkish, some universities in Ankara offer the opportunity for students to study in English. They also provide a preparatory year for English and Turkish language proficiency for students who haven’t submitted language proficiency certificates with their university applications.

Benefits of studying in Ankara:

  1. Ankara has numerous private universities that offer a wide range of colleges and diverse academic programs in various fields, allowing students to choose a major that suits their interests and academic inclinations.
  2. The international accreditation of universities is a distinguishing feature of Ankara’s universities. Studying at these universities grants students internationally recognized academic certificates accepted in most Arab and European countries.
  3. Studying in Ankara provides students with a unique life experience, as it is the capital city and encompasses all the facilities, institutions, entertainment venues, shopping areas, and tourist attractions that students can visit during their free time.
  4. There are multiple options for student accommodation in Turkey, especially in private universities in Ankara. They provide various types of student housing, including on-campus dormitories within university compounds or contracted private residences near the university to facilitate students’ commuting from their accommodation to the university.
  5. Ankara offers a wide variety of food options for students to enjoy and experience.
  6. Being the capital of Turkey, transportation within Ankara is convenient for students, whether by public or private means at any time of the day.
  7. Private universities in Turkey are known for their advanced infrastructure and comprehensive university facilities that assist students during their study period. They include state-of-the-art lecture halls, research centers, laboratories, and libraries, as well as recreational facilities like theaters, cinemas, sports clubs, cafeterias, and restaurants, providing a distinctive study experience for students.

Private Universities in Ankara:

After recognizing the advantages of studying in Turkey in general and Ankara specifically for international students, let’s explore the best private universities in Ankara that open their doors to students seeking to join prestigious universities and pursue accredited academic programs leading to a bachelor’s degree or even continue their postgraduate studies and obtain master’s and doctoral degrees.

1. Bilkent University:

Bilkent University is one of Ankara’s private universities. It was established as the first foundation university in Turkey and the first non-profit private university. The university opened its doors to its first students in 1986. It includes state-of-the-art facilities within its colleges, as well as research centers, modern classrooms, modern science and engineering labs, art studios, a computer center, a health center, sports halls, an indoor swimming pool, student dormitories, faculty residences, cafeterias, and restaurants.

Atilim University

Bilkent University ranks 54th in the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings and is among the top three universities in Turkey. It ranks 1848th among world universities and 23rd among Turkish universities on the national level. The university comprises 10 colleges offering 29 undergraduate programs and 61 graduate programs in various fields.

 2. Başkent University

Başkent University is one of the private universities in Ankara and is the first private university for health sciences in Turkey. It was established by the Hacettepe Education Foundation in 1993. The university opened its first application and research centers in Izmir in 1994 to expand high-quality healthcare services.

Başkent University is ranked 2049 globally and holds the 46th position among Turkish universities. The university consists of 11 faculties, a music institute, 6 vocational schools, 7 institutes, and a foreign languages school. It is considered one of the top private universities in Turkey in terms of providing study-abroad opportunities for its students. The university offers several student exchange programs, including the Erasmus International Program.

3. Atılım University

Atılım University is one of the universities located in the capital city of Ankara, Turkey. The university aims to become one of the leading Turkish universities that provide high-quality education. It focuses on science, technology, and scientific research in its educational curriculum. The university is internationally recognized through global university rankings and offers several student exchange programs, allowing students and faculty members to transfer to partner universities for a semester or an entire academic year.

Atılım University is ranked 2352 globally and holds the 59th position among Turkish universities. It comprises 7 faculties, 3 institutes, a graduate school, a language school, 44 undergraduate programs, and 77 specializations, serving 13,807 students.

4. TED University

TED University is one of the newest private universities in Ankara, Turkey. It was established in 2009. The university is ranked 3696 globally according to the world university rankings and holds the 122nd position among Turkish universities. It has obtained several international accreditations, including PEARSON, EPDAD, EQUIS, AMBA, MiAK, and TAPLAK.

Students who choose to study at TED University can select from 23 undergraduate programs across 5 faculties: Education, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administrative Sciences, and Architecture and Design. The university also includes a graduate school and a school for English language education.

5. Yüksek İhtisas University

Yüksek İhtisas University is one of the universities in Ankara. It was established in 2013 by the Yuksek Ihtisas Specialization Hospital Foundation and the Turkish State Hospitals, to provide higher education in the field of health sciences. It is one of the leading medical universities in Turkey. The university is ranked 17,156 globally among world universities and holds the 199th position among Turkish universities.

The university opened its doors to students in 2015 with an initial enrollment of 51 students in the Faculty of Medicine. The first batch of students from the Faculty of Medicine graduated in the academic year 2020-2021. The university consists of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Sports Sciences, two vocational schools for health services, and a language school.

Private universities in Ankara

University Admission Requirements:

  • Payment of the university application fee.
  • Proficiency certificate in the language.
  •  In the case of studying in English, passing the TOEFL or IELTS language test with a score determined by the university is required.
  • In the case of studying in Turkish, passing the TOMER Turkish language test or attending a preparatory year is required.

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Required Documents:

To register at the university, there are several documents required, and the student must submit these files and documents before sending the university application. It is sufficient to send them in PDF or JPG format during the initial registration stage for the student to obtain provisional acceptance at the university. These documents may vary depending on the undergraduate or graduate level, but some documents are common to both stages. The following are the necessary documents for the application:

For undergraduate and institute students:

  • Valid passport.
  • Recent passport-sized photo (white background).
  • Copy of high school diploma.
  • Student’s email address.

For graduate students:

  • Bachelor’s degree certificate for graduate students.
  • Translated copy of the transcript in English or Turkish.
  • Receipt of payment for the application fee.
  • Recommendation letters (Master’s, Ph.D.).

In conclusion, we have presented in this article five of the best private universities in Ankara where you can study if you are determined to pursue your education in Turkey. You can now contact us if you have any questions about studying in Turkey and receive recommendations that will assist you in your educational journey and facilitate your study period.

Istanbul Universities | 5 best private universities in Istanbul

Istanbul universities are among the most prominent and leading universities in Turkey, known for their many advantages, whether they are private or public institutions. In this article, we will focus more on five of the best private universities in Istanbul. This focus is because Istanbul stands out as a city with globally accredited and top-ranked private universities in Turkey and the world, ensuring students receive a high-quality and unique educational experience. Let’s explore the best private universities in Istanbul.

An Overview of Istanbul and the Benefits of Studying There

– Istanbul boasts a history spanning over 8,500 years, making it one of the cities with an unparalleled heritage globally. It has served as the capital of three different empires throughout history: the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires.

– Located north of Turkey’s capital, Ankara, Istanbul uniquely bridges two continents, Europe and Asia. With a population exceeding 15 million, it offers a rich and diverse blend of cultures and nationalities.

Istanbul Universities

– Istanbul ranks as the fifth most visited city in the world, featuring an extensive transportation network that saves time and effort for residents and foreign visitors, whether they are students or tourists. The city boasts over ten metro lines, ferries, and an underwater train crossing the Bosphorus Strait directly.

– The presence of the best Turkish universities in Istanbul guarantees a high standard of education for students at various academic levels, whether pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate.

– The degrees awarded by these top-ranked universities are widely recognized both locally in Turkey and internationally, facilitating career opportunities and advanced studies abroad. With a vast array of high-ranking Istanbul universities, Istanbul becomes an ideal destination for international students to choose their institutions

– One of Istanbul’s standout features is its affordability, making it one of the most reasonably priced cities worldwide for students. Students can also benefit from multiple discounts across the city, easing their financial burden.

– Students in Istanbul enjoy the vibrant Turkish culture, a unique blend of traditions that have evolved over hundreds of years from Ottoman history. Istanbul, being the most diverse city in Turkey and the urban center of the country, offers proximity to both Europe and Asia. Its central location attracts many to its festivals and concerts, held throughout the year, providing a lively atmosphere for students and residents alike.

Istanbul Universities

Top Private Istanbul Universities

Istanbul universities are renowned for their high rankings and numerous international accreditation. This article highlights some of the best private universities in Istanbul, known for their outstanding educational offerings and global recognition. Below are the top private Istanbul universities:

  1. Istanbul Medipol University
  2. Istanbul Okan University
  3. Bahcesehir University
  4. Istanbul Aydin University
  5. Baskent University

1) Istanbul Medipol University

Founded in 2009, Istanbul Medipol University started as a medical research institution and has since expanded into one of the most Istanbul universities prominent private. It offers a wide range of academic programs, including 71 undergraduate, 80 master’s, and 44 doctoral programs, along with 80 associate degree programs across 12 faculties, 5 institutes, and 4 vocational schools.

حامعة ميديبول

Key Features:

  • International Learning Environment: Medipol provides a global educational setting equipped with modern technological tools to ensure high standards of academic training.
  • Advanced Research Facilities: The university boasts advanced scientific laboratories and an extensive library supporting academic and research activities.
  • Student Support: Emphasis on students’ psychological and social well-being through counseling centers.
  • Infrastructure: Modern classrooms, research labs, and cultural and social activities.
  • Student Housing: Safe on-campus accommodation for both local and international students.

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2) Istanbul Okan University

Established in 1999 as one of the Istanbul universities, Istanbul Okan University aims to prepare students for professional and practical life with a unique and diverse educational environment. Located on the Asian side of Istanbul near Sabiha Gökçen Airport, it collaborates with numerous institutions and companies, offering programs in economics, arts, medicine, social sciences, and more.

جامعة أوكان

Key Features:

  • Bilingual Education: Courses available in both English and Turkish.
  • Research and Training Centers: State-of-the-art facilities for research and practical training.
  • Healthcare Facilities: Owns several hospitals for high-level practical training.
  • High-speed Internet: Ensures students have access to necessary academic resources.
  • Extensive Library: Houses a vast collection of research materials and books.

3) Bahcesehir University

Founded in 1998 by the Bahcesehir-Ugur Educational Foundation, Bahcesehir University stands out among private Istanbul universities for its high-quality medical education and global network. It is part of the BAU Global network, providing students with international study and exchange opportunities in prestigious universities worldwide.

جامعة بهتشه شهير

Key Features:

  • English Programs: The majority of undergraduate and graduate programs are offered in English.
  • Global Opportunities: Study exchange programs with universities like Harvard, Stanford, and MIT.
  • Cultural and Social Activities: Encourages participation in cultural, social, artistic, and sports activities.
  • Modern Facilities: Equipped with the latest educational technologies and smart classrooms.
  • Industry Collaboration: Extensive network of partnerships enhancing student training and employment prospects.

4) Istanbul Aydin University

Founded in 2007, Istanbul Aydin University is one of the youngest yet most distinguished private Istanbul universities. It focuses on global education and international development, contributing significantly to higher education in Turkey and beyond.

جامعة اسطنبول أيدن

Key Features:

  • Experienced Faculty: Ensures high-quality education and competency.
  • Student Exchange Programs: Opportunities to study in 49 countries, including 28 European nations.
  • High Employment Rate: 85% of graduates secure employment post-graduation.
  • Dental Hospital: Offers practical training for dentistry students.
  • Medical Facilities: Known for its excellent medical education with practical training tools and labs.

5) Baskent University

Established in 1993, Baskent University is the first private Istanbul university, Focused on health sciences. It has expanded to offer a wide range of academic programs and boasts several research and application centers.

جامعة بشكنت

Key Features:

  • Health Sciences Leader: Renowned for its medical programs and health services.
  • Quality Certification: First foundation university in Turkey to receive ISO quality certification for health and educational activities.
  • Extensive Library: One of Turkey’s largest university libraries, providing an ideal study and research environment.
  • Comprehensive Student Services: On-campus ambulance service, food service, and sports facilities.
  • Student Clubs: 120 student clubs promoting social and cultural interaction.

In conclusion, Istanbul universities offer a unique combination of high-quality education, cultural diversity, and modern facilities, making Turkey a leading destination for higher education. With their global accreditations and innovative programs, these private universities in Istanbul stand out as top choices for students worldwide.

Master’s studies in Turkey

Master’s studies in Turkey are one of the steps most students aim to achieve after completing their undergraduate studies. Whether the student has completed their bachelor’s degree at a Turkish university or obtained their university degree from another country, Turkey remains the most sought-after and popular educational destination among international students for pursuing postgraduate studies. Therefore, this article will provide a comprehensive guide on master’s degrees in Turkey, their branches, and how to apply for them. Let’s get started.

Benefits of studying for a master’s degree in Turkey:

Studying for a master’s in Turkey is one of the most important educational opportunities for international students who wish to pursue higher studies after graduation in a prestigious and internationally recognized country. This ensures the accreditation and recognition of their degrees worldwide. The reasons why students choose Turkey for their master’s studies are as follows:

  1. Turkey has 209 universities and academic institutions, including more than 80 private universities that offer master’s programs, providing an opportunity to choose a suitable university.
  2. master’s studies in Turkey in Turkey opens up broad career prospects for students, as they can work part-time during their studies.
  3. Studying in Turkey is available for foreign students in both Turkish and English languages, providing flexibility for students to choose their preferred language. Additionally, Turkish universities offer a language preparatory year that students can attend before starting their academic program.
  4. Turkey has top private and public universities that provide high-quality education, advanced infrastructure, and the best facilities, including training halls, laboratories, and research centers, ensuring the quality of the educational process.
  5. The accreditation of Turkish universities makes the degrees obtained by students recognized in their home countries and enables them to work with those degrees in various Arab and Western countries.
  6. The diversity of study programs allows students to choose their desired program flexibly. They can select from the available programs and choose the program that aligns with their academic interests.
  7. Living in Turkey is an opportunity sought by many students. Therefore, when studying for a master’s degree, there is a chance to reside in Turkey for a period ranging from two to three years, allowing students to experience living in a cultural and touristy country like Turkey and to get acquainted with its culture and people.

 Duration of Master’s studies in Turkey:

International students can complete their master’s degree in Turkey in various fields, including medicine, engineering, sciences, and arts. The duration of master’s studies varies depending on the program and specialization chosen by the student, but it usually takes two years, divided into four academic semesters.

Master's studies in Turkey

Master’s studies in Turkey begin after the student obtains a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, and this degree must be recognized and evaluated by the relevant authorities in Turkey. Before applying, the student must obtain acceptance from the Turkish university in which they wish to study.

Master’s studies in Turkey usually consist of two main stages:

The first stage is the academic phase, where the student completes the requirements of the academic program and the required courses. It includes theoretical and practical lessons and research. The number and type of courses vary depending on the master’s program and the student’s specialization.

After completing the academic stage, the student moves on to the second stage, which involves preparing a master’s thesis. The student is required to conduct independent research, analyze data, and write a master’s thesis that presents the results and conclusions. The thesis is then defended before a committee of supervising professors.

Types of master’s degrees in Turkey:

Master’s studies in Turkey are divided into two types:

1. Master’s degree with a thesis (scientific thesis):

This type of master’s study in Turkey requires the student to conduct scientific research at the end of the theoretical study and write a scientific thesis. The duration of this type of program is usually two years, divided into four semesters: two for theoretical study and two for writing scientific research under the supervision of an academic advisor. Most Turkish universities allow students to extend the study period by two additional semesters.

2. Master’s degree without a scientific thesis:

The other type of master’s studies in Turkey is without a thesis or scientific research. This type aims to provide the student with comprehensive knowledge and scientific skills in the field of specialization through theoretical study. The duration of this non-thesis master’s program is usually one year, with an average of three semesters. The student is not required to write a scientific thesis.

Study in Türkiye

Requirements for master’s studies in Turkey:

The procedures for master’s studies in Turkey vary from one university to another, but each university sets specific requirements for the selection of applicants. However, there are general conditions that do not differ from one university to another, including:

  • The student must have a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an internationally recognized university, and the university degree should be relevant to the desired master’s degree.
  • The student may be required to submit a cumulative grade point average or other academic qualifications. Some universities may have specific requirements for certain programs, such as proficiency in a foreign language or relevant work experience.
  • Universities may require proof of English language proficiency through internationally recognized exams such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for students who wish to study for a master’s degree in Turkey in English.
  • The student must submit all the required documents, including a copy of the bachelor’s degree certificate and recommendation letters. Some universities may also require a personal interview.

Registration deadlines for master’s studies in Turkey:

The registration for obtaining a master’s degree in Turkish universities opens twice during the academic year. The first registration period begins in June and August before the start of the first semester. The second registration period is in November and December before the start of the second semester. However, the final registration deadlines vary from one university to another, so they can be checked on the official website of the university.

Master’s studies in private Turkish universities

Master’s studies in Turkey in private universities represent a unique opportunity for international students who wish to continue their higher education, especially postgraduate studies, in prestigious and internationally accredited universities. Private universities provide their students with academic opportunities that cannot be obtained through other universities. They are known for having the best universities with advanced infrastructure and facilities, including state-of-the-art classrooms, research centers, laboratories, and libraries. These facilities undoubtedly assist students during their studies. Additionally, there is a wide range of specializations available, allowing students flexibility in choosing their preferred field of study.

Important private universities for master’s studies:

  1. Sabancı University
  2. Bilkent University
  3. Istanbul Bilgi University
  4. İzmir University
  5. Başkent University
  6. Arel University
  7. Düzce University
  8. Lukman University
  9. Istanbul Esenyurt University
  10. Altınbaş University

Sabanci University

Master’s studies in Turkey in Arabic language:

Several departments have been opened within some private Turkish universities, including Aydın University and Sabahattin Zaim University, where students can study for a master’s degree in Arabic language. These departments include:

  • International Relations
  • Arabic Language Education
  • Islamic Studies

   Admission Requirements for registration in private universities in Türkiye:

  • Payment of the university application fee.
  • Proficiency certificate in the language.
  •  In the case of studying in English, passing the TOEFL or IELTS language test with a score determined by the university is required.
  • In the case of studying in Turkish, passing the TOMER Turkish language test or attending a preparatory year is required.

You can Register with Safa to study in Turkey now and get your acceptance easily. Safa your Friendly Companion in your Education 🎓 WhatsApp

Required Documents:

To register for master’s studies in Turkey, there are several documents required, and the student must submit these files and documents before sending the university application. It is sufficient to send them in PDF or JPG format during the initial registration stage for the student to obtain provisional acceptance at the university. These documents may vary depending on the undergraduate or graduate level, but some documents are common to both stages. The following are the necessary documents for the application:

For undergraduate and institute students:

  • Valid passport.
  • Recent passport-sized photo (white background).
  • Copy of high school diploma.
  • Student’s email address.

For graduate students:

  • Bachelor’s degree certificate for graduate students.
  • Translated copy of the transcript in English or Turkish.
  • Receipt of payment for the application fee.
  • Recommendation letters (Master’s, Ph.D.).

In conclusion, we hope that we have provided all the necessary information related to master’s studies in Turkey to assist students in taking their first steps toward realizing their dream of studying in Turkey. You can also contact the Sefa team if you have any inquiries or need recommendations to help you complete the travel procedures to Turkey.

The Most Important International Exams for Studying in Private Universities in Turkey

Studying in Turkey has gained great popularity among international students from around the world. It is considered a global educational destination that rivals the quality of education in the best European universities. Among Turkish universities, private universities provide an opportunity for foreign students who wish to obtain higher education and pursue the best academic programs that qualify them for global employment opportunities after graduation.

However, admission to Turkish universities requires students to pass several international exams, which are one of the admission requirements. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss everything related to studying in Turkey, its top private universities, and the most important international exams necessary for studying in Turkey. Stay with us.

The Education System in Turkish Universities

Turkey has become a member of the Bologna Process, an international governmental cooperation among 48 European countries in the field of higher education to improve and develop higher education. This cooperation allows students to continue their education in European Union countries. The education system in Turkey is based on the following academic degrees, which require passing several international exams that we will present to you in this article:

  • Bachelor’s degree for a duration of 4 years.
  • Master’s degree for a duration of 2 years.
  • Doctoral studies for a duration of 3-5 years.

Studying in Private Universities in Turkey

Studying in private universities in Turkey requires passing several international exams that ensure students’ qualification for studying in Turkey and admission to these prestigious universities. Turkey has a total of 209 universities, including 65 private universities. Studying in these private universities has several advantages over public universities. Private universities in Turkey are known for providing high-quality education through the best faculty members and academics. These universities offer diverse study programs and advanced infrastructure, including all necessary facilities for students such as classrooms, laboratories, research centers, and recreational facilities. All of these factors make studying in private universities a dream for both local and international students.

AltinBas University

Important private universities in Turkey:

1. Başkent University
2. Römieli University
3. Bilken University
4. Esenyurt University
5. Doğuş University
6. Altınbaş University
7. Özyeğin University
8. Yeni Yüzyıl University
9. Istanbul Okan University
10. Istanbul Topkapı University

Advantages of studying at private universities in Turkey:

  • Private universities in Turkey possess advanced infrastructure equipped with the latest modern facilities, ensuring the delivery of high-quality education. This is achieved through modern classrooms, research laboratories, advanced libraries that assist students in research and studying, as well as recreational facilities such as cafeterias, restaurants, and theaters.
  • Studying medicine at private universities in Turkey provides excellent study opportunities for international students. These universities offer their students the opportunity to train in hospitals and medical centers located within their campuses, allowing students to combine academic excellence with clinical training. This ensures the graduation of competent doctors who can practice their profession in leading international hospitals.
  • Turkish private universities offer a wide range of academic programs in fields such as medicine, engineering, sciences, arts, and humanities. This diversity makes Turkish and international students prefer studying at private universities over others.
  • Student life is one of the most important factors that attract students to private universities in Turkey. Students live a rich life inside and outside the campus. Within the campus, there are numerous student clubs and cultural activities that students can join. They can also visit many tourist attractions, museums, and explore various cities in Turkey during holidays, enriching their experience while studying.
  • Student accommodation is a key feature of studying at private universities in Turkey. These universities prioritize providing various types of accommodation for students, including on-campus dormitories or private residences contracted by the universities, in order to ensure a safe study period for their students.
  • Turkish universities accept several international admission tests, such as the IELTS or TOEFL for English language proficiency. This diversity allows students to take tests that suit their abilities.

International exams and language certificates required for studying in Turkey

International exams and language certificates required for studying in Turkey
Admission to private universities in Turkey requires passing some international exams that measure students’ abilities and academic knowledge. There are also exams that assess their proficiency in the Turkish and English languages. However, as a general rule, the higher the high school grades, the greater the chance of admission to Turkish universities.
In addition to that, most Turkish higher education institutions accept international tests such as SAT, GRE, GMAT, which are taken in the English language. Some institutions also require international exams like YÖS (Turkish Proficiency Exam for Foreign Students) for undergraduate students and ALES for master’s or doctoral studies.

Language skills are also essential for studying in Turkey. Besides studying in Turkish, there are many programs taught in English. Therefore, students are required to pass international language exams such as obtaining a TOEFL certificate in English and a TÖMER certificate in Turkish. In both cases, students are required to achieve a B2 level.

1. SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test):

The SAT is one of the international exams required for university admission at private universities in Turkey. The SAT aims to measure students’ academic abilities, as well as their language and mathematical skills. It is an important indicator of their analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.


The test consists of two main sections: the Mathematics section and the Reading and Writing section. The Mathematics section includes questions that require knowledge and understanding of basic mathematical concepts such as algebra, geometry, and statistics. The Reading and Writing section includes questions that assess the ability to read and understand written texts in English, as well as writing and expression skills.

After completing the SAT test, the results are submitted to the private universities that the student wishes to enroll in. These universities use these results as part of the selection process for accepted students. Usually, there is a minimum required score for admission to the university that the student must achieve to be eligible for enrollment.

2. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

The TOEFL test aims to measure students’ ability to read, write, listen, and speak in English. It is one of the internationally recognized tests required for studying in Turkey. The test consists of two main sections: the Reading and Listening section, and the Writing and Speaking section.

  1. The Reading section evaluates students’ ability to read and comprehend academic texts in English. It includes multiple-choice questions and essay questions that require understanding of vocabulary, grammatical structures, and academic details.
  2. The Listening section aims to assess students’ ability to comprehend conversations and academic lectures in English. It includes multiple-choice questions that require understanding of details, main ideas, and relationships between presented ideas.
  3. The Writing section asks students to write a short academic essay on a specific topic, and it assesses their ability to organize and express ideas clearly and logically using correct vocabulary and grammatical structures.
  4. The Speaking section requires students to have a conversation with an English-speaking interviewer. It evaluates their ability to express ideas and respond to questions in a logical and clear manner using correct vocabulary and grammatical structures.


The TOEFL test is administered in several international test centers in Turkey, and specific dates are scheduled for the test. Students’ performance is evaluated in each section separately, and a score is assigned to each section based on their performance. TOEFL scores range from 0 to 120, and individual scores are usually converted into percentages. Typically, achieving a certain score is required for university admission, although this requirement may vary from one university to another.

3. GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

The GRE test is one of the most important internationally recognized tests required to assess the general academic abilities of international students who wish to enroll in private universities in Turkey. The test aims to measure skills in various areas such as mathematics, English language, and analytical writing.

This test is designed to measure the academic abilities of students who want to pursue graduate studies at Turkish universities. Many graduate schools and Turkish universities use GRE test scores as part of their admission criteria for academic programs.

Conditions for registration in private universities in Türkiye

  • Payment of the university application fee.
  • Proficiency certificate in the language.
    • In the case of studying in English, passing the TOEFL or IELTS language test with a score determined by the university is required.
    • In the case of studying in Turkish, passing the TOMER Turkish language test or attending a preparatory year is required.

You can Register with Safa to study in Turkey now and get your acceptance easily. Safa your Friendly Companion in your Education 🎓 WhatsApp

Required Documents:

To register at private universities in Türkiye, there are several documents required, and the student must submit these files and documents before sending the university application. It is sufficient to send them in PDF or JPG format during the initial registration stage for the student to obtain provisional acceptance at the university. These documents may vary depending on the undergraduate or graduate level, but there are some documents that are common to both stages. The following are the necessary documents for application:

For undergraduate and institute students:

  • Valid passport.
  • Recent passport-sized photo (white background).
  • Copy of high school diploma.
  •  Student’s email address.

For graduate students:

  • Bachelor’s degree certificate for graduate students.
  • Translated copy of the transcript in English or Turkish.
  • Receipt of payment for the application fee.
  • Recommendation letters (Master’s, Ph.D.).

In conclusion, if you have made up your mind about studying in Turkey, we hope that we have provided you with helpful information to assist you in your educational journey. We have also discussed the important private universities in Turkey that offer prestigious study opportunities to their students, in addition to discussing the required international tests for your university admission. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us, and the Sefa team will assist you in facilitating the university enrollment process and provide recommendations to support you throughout your educational journey in Turkey.

registering in Turkish universities and Obtain Your University Acceptance

Turkey has witnessed significant developments in the educational process, especially at the university and postgraduate levels, making it a unique and sought-after study destination for both Arab and Western international students. However, registering in Turkish universities for these students requires meeting various requirements, conditions, and documentation.

Therefore, in this article, we have decided to provide a detailed guide on studying in Turkey, including all the information students need to study and obtain university acceptance. We will also explore the importance of studying in Turkey, which makes it the preferred choice for students from different countries around the world. Now, let’s get started together.

Information about Turkey

Turkey is a country located in Southeast Europe and Southwest Asia. It is bordered by Greece and Bulgaria to the west, Georgia to the northeast, Armenia, Iran, and Iraq to the east, Syria to the southeast, the Black Sea to the north, and the Mediterranean Sea to the southwest.

study in turkey

Turkey possesses a rich history and culture due to its coexistence with numerous civilizations and empires throughout history. It also boasts stunning geographical features, cultural and historical landmarks such as the Hagia Sophia Mosque, historical museums, and famous markets like the Grand Bazaar, making it one of the most important global tourist destinations. Turkey is also known for its cultural diversity. Despite its location in Eastern Europe, it now serves as a link between the East and the West, attracting a large number of Arab citizens for the purpose of study, tourism, or work. This makes it a home to many cultures, nationalities, and customs from different countries around the world.

Reasons to Study in Turkey

There are several reasons that drive international students to register in Turkish universities and obtain their academic degrees, whether at the undergraduate or postgraduate levels. These reasons can be divided into those related to the nature of life in Turkey and others related to the quality of education and academic programs. Below are the most important reasons:

1. Diversity of Academic Programs

Turkish universities offer a large number of academic programs in various disciplines and fields, including medical programs in various departments, engineering programs, business administration, law, media, and many others. This ensures that students have the opportunity to choose the major they wish to study at prestigious Turkish universities. Of course, this also means that tuition fees may vary from one university to another, helping students join the university and major that suits their academic interests and financial capabilities.

2. Possibility of Studying in English

Turkish universities provide students with the opportunity to study in English in addition to studying in Turkish in most of the programs they offer. This facilitates students’ studies and opens up broad prospects for them to work globally after graduation. All universities also provide preparatory courses in English and Turkish for students who have not provided certificates proving their proficiency in the language of study.

3. Unique Student Life

The benefits of enrolling in Turkish universities are not limited to a good studying experience and obtaining high-quality university education. Students also enjoy a rich student life by participating in various student clubs within universities, including cultural, sports, and social clubs. Moreover, there are many opportunities for students to participate in various events throughout their study period.

Turkey also offers a distinctive lifestyle for both local residents and foreign citizens. It has famous markets, tourist attractions, and historical landmarks, allowing students to experience a peaceful social life alongside their studies. This is facilitated by the friendly nature of the Turkish people who warmly welcome their guests and always offer a helping hand. Therefore, if you intend to study in Turkey, never worry about life in Turkey, as you will undoubtedly have a peaceful and stable life and feel as if you have not left your homeland.

Registration in Turkish universities

4- Reasonable Study Costs

One of the main concerns for students when deciding to study abroad is the high cost of education and tuition fees, which leads many students to reconsider studying outside their home country. However, there is no need to worry about that when enrolling in Turkish universities, as the cost of studying in Turkey is low and affordable for international students, and they can easily afford it.

There is also an installment system where students can pay the fees in installments. This system also applies to private universities, so there is no need to worry about university expenses. Of course, the word “private” might make you feel that the university fees are exorbitant and unaffordable, but the registration fees at private Turkish universities are not as difficult compared to studying at other European universities.

5- Large Number of Universities

Universities in Turkey are diverse, with more than 209 universities, including public, private, and non-profit foundation universities. This allows students a wide range of choices when enrolling in Turkish universities, enabling them to select a university that suits their budget and requirements. Education in Turkey is not limited to universities alone; there are also a number of institutes, language schools, and graduate schools.

This diversity provides students with the opportunity to study without any financial pressure or pressure related to choosing a major, as they will undoubtedly find a seat to study their desired program at one of the Turkish universities.

6- Various Types of Student Accommodation

When making the decision to study abroad, the first thing students look for is student accommodation. This is because stable study opportunities cannot be obtained without secure housing that qualifies students for a peaceful residence throughout their study period, whether it is long or short. Therefore, before enrolling in Turkish universities, you should familiarize yourself with the types of accommodation available in the country and the universities that provide on-campus student housing or contract with real estate companies to provide safe student housing near different campuses. To assist you with that, you can refer to our article on student accommodation in Turkey to obtain all the information you need.

7- Local and International Accreditation

The most important thing students look for when studying abroad is ensuring the accreditation and recognition of the university degree they obtain, both in their own country and in European countries in general, to ensure access to global employment opportunities in their respective fields. What is the benefit of an academic degree if the student cannot use it after graduation?

Therefore, there is no need to worry about this issue when enrolling in Turkish universities, as all universities in Turkey are accredited locally by the Turkish Higher Education Council. Additionally, most of them have international recognition in various European and Arab countries. Moreover, there are specific accreditations for each program of study that students pursue. Regardless of the specialization you want to study, you will find international and local accreditation that allows you to work in your field after graduating from the university. Just registering at Turkish universities puts students on the path to success in their academic and professional lives, thanks to Turkey’s good reputation in higher education among universities worldwide.

Studying in private universities in Turkey

Studying in private universities in Turkey is a great opportunity for students who aspire to achieve the highest level of academic excellence. There are more than 80 private universities in Turkey, including universities specialized in specific fields such as medical universities, engineering universities, and technical universities. These universities focus on selecting academic staff members who are renowned experts in their fields, including professors from leading local, European, and international universities. This ensures that students have the opportunity to study under specialized professionals at the highest level.

Private universities in Türkiye

Private universities in Turkey prioritize the efficiency of the educational process and also emphasize the quality of infrastructure. They have some of the most prestigious campuses in important geographical locations in Turkey. These universities provide state-of-the-art classrooms and various academic facilities that assist students in their studies, such as research centers, libraries, research labs, and laboratories. Additionally, they offer various support facilities, clubs, and student activities to create a vibrant university life that balances educational and recreational aspects.

Furthermore, when enrolling in private medical universities in Turkey, students have the opportunity to receive exceptional practical training. Most of these universities have hospitals and specialized medical centers dedicated solely to training students during their study period. Some universities also provide job opportunities for students after graduation.

Famous private universities in Turkey include:

  1. Istanbul Esenyurt University
  2. Istanbul Aydın University
  3. Yeni Yüzyıl University
  4. Sabancı University
  5. Altınbaş University
  6. Bilken University
  7. Özyeğin University
  8. İskenderun Technical University
  9. Istanbul Okan University
  10. Istanbul Kültür University

How to enroll in private universities in Turkey:

Now, let’s discuss the most important stage in our article today, which is how to enroll in Turkish universities. After learning about life in Turkey and the advantages of studying there, the crucial step is understanding how international students can obtain admission to prestigious Turkish universities.

Requirements for registering in Turkish universities:

  • Payment of the university’s annual fees.
  • Language proficiency certificate.
    • If studying in English, it is required to pass the TOEFL exam with a score determined by the university or pass the university’s English language test.
    • If studying in Turkish, it is required to pass the TOMER Turkish language test.
    • If the student does not have any language proficiency certificates (English or Turkish), they can attend a preparatory year before starting their chosen major.

Conditions for applying to universities

Documents required for enrollment in Turkish universities:

There are several documents that students need to submit when enrolling in Turkish universities to complete the registration process and ensure obtaining a university seat easily. These documents should be submitted before sending the university application and can be sent in PDF or JPG format during the initial registration phase to obtain the student’s preliminary acceptance. The required documents may vary depending on the university level (undergraduate or graduate), and although there are slight differences between the bachelor’s and master’s stages, some documents are common to both stages. The following are the necessary documents for application:

For undergraduate and diploma students:

  • Valid passport
  • Recent passport-sized photo (with a white background)
  • Copy of the high school diploma
  • High school transcript and its translation into English or Turkish
  • Student’s email address for university communication

For graduate students:

  • Submission of the latest university degree obtained by the student
    • Bachelor’s degree for master’s students
    • Master’s degree for doctoral students
  • Copy of the transcript translated into English or Turkish
  • Proof of payment of the application fee
  • Letters of recommendation (for master’s and doctoral programs)

You can Register with Safa to study in Turkey now and get your acceptance easily. Safa your Friendly Companion in your Education WhatsApp

Information You Should Know Before Traveling to Turkey

Before starting the registration process at Turkish universities, there is important information you should know about the country where you intend to stay for at least 4 years, and it may be longer if you plan to pursue postgraduate studies in a master’s or doctoral program after completing your undergraduate studies. To assist you with that, we provide you with the following information in the form of tips:

Tips for Studying in Turkey:

  1. Choosing the right university: Turkey is home to many prestigious and globally recognized universities. Therefore, before applying, you should conduct thorough research to select a university that aligns with your interests and offers high-quality study programs in your preferred field.
  2. Familiarize yourself with admission requirements: We discussed this part regarding the registration requirements for Turkish universities in the previous paragraph, but you need to check the admission requirements for the university you intend to apply to, including the required certificates and language requirements. You may need to pass the TOEFL or IELTS English language tests.
  3. Early preparation: When registering in Turkish universities, you need to plan and prepare early. This includes preparing the required documents and submitting your university application early to secure a study seat.

Student housing in Türkiye

Tips for Residing in Turkey:

  1. Try to explore Turkey during your study period: Take advantage of being in a famous tourist and historical country. During breaks, you can explore the city and visit major tourist attractions such as museums, markets, bazaars, experience local cuisine, and participate in cultural events held throughout the year. Our article on the best tourist attractions in Turkey may assist you with that.
  2. Although English may be widely spoken in some regions of Turkey, learning the Turkish language will facilitate your stay, interaction with local residents, and enhance your knowledge and understanding of Turkey.
  3. Use public transportation options such as the metro, as they are safer and more cost-effective.
  4. Determine your budget before traveling: Once you register at Turkish universities and secure your admission, you need to establish your own budget. This includes tuition fees, accommodation costs, personal expenses, food expenses, and entertainment expenses.
  5. Do not hesitate to ask for help when needed: There is no need to worry about this matter, as the Turkish people are friendly and always willing to help their guests.
  6. Ensure the availability of university-affiliated accommodation and apply early to guarantee your safety and stability during your studies. If university-affiliated accommodation is not available, you should choose one of the available housing options. However, for ease of stay, it is advisable to select accommodation near the university, public transportation, and city facilities.

How Şafa Company Can Help You with Your University Admission:

Don’t worry about registering in Turkish universities because Şafa Study in Turkey Company is your supportive companion and first assistant in obtaining a distinguished university admission at one of the prestigious Turkish universities. They will assist you in studying the major you desire. Additionally, they provide you with the best educational services throughout your study period. Rest assured about your university admission with Şafa Company because:

  1. They help you complete your paperwork for free without any costs.
  2.  They have a professional team that continuously follows up with you to provide all the assistance you need to obtain your university admission.
  3. They offer free consultations and recommendations to help you during your study and stay in Turkey.
  4. Şafa Company has extensive experience of over 5 years in dealing with Turkish universities and obtaining university admissions for their students.

In conclusion, we hope that through this article, we have provided all the information that helps our students complete their registration at Turkish universities, obtain a study seat at prestigious universities, and ensure a safe and stable study period.

Student Housing in Turkey | Types and Features

Studying in Turkey is a goal for many international students, whether from Arab or Western countries. Turkish universities are among the most prestigious in the world, offering students a unique educational experience. This allows students to acquire knowledge, receive high-quality education, and engage in post-university studies in a multicultural and diverse environment, with diverse educational programs offered by the best academic staff.

However, without student housing in Turkey, students cannot have a safe and stable study period. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss everything related to student housing and dormitories in Turkey, so you can familiarize yourself with your educational and housing destination before traveling and moving to Turkey.

Advantages of studying in Turkey:

There are several reasons why Turkey and Istanbul, in particular, are the preferred destinations for many Turkish and foreign students. Therefore, before discussing student housing in Turkey and how to find it, we will highlight the most important advantages of studying in Turkey and how to obtain a study seat at Turkish universities.

1. High-quality higher education opportunities:

Turkey is the second country in the world in terms of students’ access to higher education, with a rate of 94.2%. Therefore, the degree obtained from any university in Turkey is recognized in all European countries. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is implemented in Turkey, and all students receive the diploma supplement. Additionally, Turkey is one of the most successful and famous countries in international and local student exchange programs, including the Erasmus program, as well as local exchange programs within Turkey, such as Mevlana and Farabi.

These programs support the movement of students and faculty members to European and local partner universities, allowing them to spend a full semester or more, facilitating the exchange of experiences and cultures.

Student housing in Turkey

2. Diverse universities and programs:

Turkey has 209 universities, including more than 75 private and foundation universities. The number of students reaches 7 million out of a total population of 83 million. Thanks to this large number of students, Turkey is the first country in terms of the number of students in the European Higher Education Area. There are more than 45,000 study programs available. With such program diversity, you will surely find the university and specialization that suits you. Additionally, the universities provide various types of student housing in Turkey, ensuring a peaceful stay, allowing you to focus more on academic achievement.

3. Multicultural life:

Turkey has hosted ancient civilizations on its lands for thousands of years, making its citizens, regardless of their cultures, nationalities, or customs, tolerant and respectful towards one another. Within Turkey, you can find students and residents who speak your language and belong to your culture. You will never feel alienated and will experience a safe and stable study period.

These are just a few of the advantages of studying in Turkey, and the country has much more to offer. When it comes to student housing, Turkish universities provide various options to accommodate students, including dormitories, private student residences, and shared apartments. Each option has its own features and benefits, catering to different preferences and budgets.

4. A First-Class Tourist Destination

Turkey is one of the top tourist destinations in the world, renowned for its beautiful natural landscapes and rich historical heritage. When studying in Turkey, you will find plenty of things to do, explore the cities, and enjoy a distinguished student life. Being a tourist-friendly country, this is reflected in the level of accommodation available to suit visitors from all around the world. Within these accommodations, you will find a variety of student housing options in Turkey, in addition to tourist residences. Many residents offer the opportunity to rent their homes to foreigners, whether they are students or visitors for other purposes such as tourism or work.

5. Multiple Options for Student Housing

There are numerous choices for student housing in Turkey to provide comfortable accommodations for both Turkish and international students. These housing options include government-owned dormitories, university-affiliated dormitories within campus premises, foundation-owned housing, and private residences. We have discussed these types in detail in a previous article.

6. Diverse Student Activities

In Turkey, every city has at least one university, and each university offers various student activities and clubs. Turkey is a student-friendly country, and these clubs encompass a wide range of social, sports, cultural, recreational, and artistic activities. Additionally, numerous events take place throughout the year. All of this provides students with a unique study experience, allowing them to engage in activities alongside their studies and preventing them from feeling alienated or lonely away from their homeland. It helps them succeed and excel in their studies.


7. Hospitable Turkish People

The Turkish people’s hospitality has become legendary worldwide. Therefore, as a student who wishes to study in Turkey, never worry if you ask for help. You will find everyone around you going out of their way to assist you in a friendly manner.

Student Housing in Turkey

Student housing in Turkey, especially in Istanbul, is an integral part of student life and an utmost necessity. Istanbul is home to many universities, and despite not being the capital, it is the most famous and attractive city for students in Turkey. Istanbul represents a blend of culture and history, which is reflected in student housing characterized by contemporary designs and modern facilities.

Student housing in Turkey, in general, and in Istanbul, in particular, offers several options, including luxurious apartments, public and private university dormitories, foundation-owned housing, and more. Below, we will discuss the available types of student housing in Turkey, as it goes beyond just being a place of residence for students; it provides a comfortable and safe environment for their stay.

Private Student Housing:

One of the most prominent types of student housing in Turkey is private student housing. These residences are established and managed by private companies. While not all of these residences are located outside of universities, some are located within private universities. They are divided into male and female dormitories, providing the best conditions for comfortable and peaceful living with excellent services. These residences are considered superior to government-owned and foundation-owned housing in terms of the quality of service provided. Students enjoy greater independence and privacy, and the number of residents in the same room is typically lower compared to other types of housing. Additionally, there is a better atmosphere in terms of comfort and tranquility.

Public Student Housing:

This type of student housing in Turkey is part of the KYK organization, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports. This housing is characterized by its low fees, but it is primarily intended for Turkish students or those who have received a Turkish scholarship. Therefore, foreign students may find it challenging to obtain this type of housing. Typically, the number of students in one room ranges from 4 to 8.

Studio Apartments:

Studio apartments offer independence and privacy, making them a preferred choice for some students, especially graduate students. One of the main advantages of studio apartments is that students can focus on their studies as much as possible and manage their time according to their needs, including meals, sleep, and studying, without distractions from other roommates. However, this independence and privacy come at a cost. Studio apartment rentals start at $350 USD, making them one of the more expensive housing options. While the rent for a studio apartment is comparable to that of a private apartment, it is suitable for students studying at private universities who can afford such costs.

Residential Apartments:

Residential apartments are among the most popular student housing options in Turkey, favored by many students. However, this type of housing differs from other types of student housing. Accessing these apartments is not as easy compared to public and private student housing. Therefore, searching for these apartments requires thorough research to find safe apartments close to university campuses and within a limited budget that students can afford.

Tips for Renting Residential Apartments in Turkey:

  • Choose a location that is easily accessible, especially via public transportation.
  • Avoid basement apartments due to higher humidity levels.
  • Seek assistance from reliable real estate websites or agencies in Turkey to find the best types of student housing that cater to international students.
  • Verify the ownership of the apartment you intend to rent.

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How to Obtain University Acceptance in Turkey:

Before searching for student housing in Turkey, it is important to understand the procedures for obtaining university acceptance. There are certain documents required for enrollment in Turkish universities, and once you secure your university seat, it is advisable to start searching for housing before traveling to Turkey. Successful registration and obtaining university acceptance require submitting certain official documents before sending the application to the university. Here are the essential documents required for different university stages, including undergraduate and graduate programs:

For Undergraduate and Diploma Students:

  • Valid passport.
  • Recent passport-sized photo (with a white background).
  • Copy of the high school diploma.
  • Student email address.

For Graduate Students:

  • Bachelor’s degree certificate.
  • Translated copy of the transcript in English or Turkish.
  • Receipt of application fee payment.
  • Recommendation letters (for master’s and doctoral programs).

You can Register with Safa to study in Turkey now and get your acceptance easily. Safa your Friendly Companion in your Education 🎓 WhatsApp

Conditions for Enrollment in Turkish Universities

  • Payment of the annual university fees.
  • Proficiency certificate in the language of instruction.
  • For English-medium programs, passing the TOEFL exam with a score determined by the university or passing the university’s English language test.
  • For Turkish-medium programs, passing the TÖMER Turkish language test.
  • If the student does not have any language proficiency certificate (English or Turkish), they may be required to attend a preparatory year before starting their chosen major.

In conclusion, we have provided information in this article to assist you as an international student who wishes to continue their higher education in Turkey in obtaining exceptional student housing. Safa Study in Turkey company can also assist you in securing a university seat at prestigious universities and provide recommendations for the best types of student housing in Turkey, ensuring a safe and stable living and studying environment.