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Anthropology is a vital field in the current era, as it helps us understand the cultural and social diversity of humans throughout different ages. Many social, political, and economic studies rely on this field for a deeper understanding of human nature and behaviors. Turkey is considered a leading country in the study of anthropology due to significant scientific advancements and cultural and social developments in recent years. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of studying anthropology in Turkey.

What is Anthropology?

This field covers a wide range of topics, including the study of ancient and contemporary cultures, social systems, languages, human evolution, religions, and economies. Anthropology focuses on understanding how humans live in various social and cultural environments and how these societies evolve over time.

Anthropologists rely on multiple methodologies such as field research, interviews, and cultural analysis to study human social, cultural, and linguistic patterns. This field enables students to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and social interaction.


Studying Anthropology in Turkey

Turkey boasts high-quality higher education and includes many top-ranked universities offering anthropology programs. Turkish universities equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in this important scientific field.

Turkish universities offer specialized programs at a high level in anthropology, with a study duration of four years. The curriculum and study years are prepared by specialists and experts. This field enjoys great popularity among students in various universities due to its importance and uniqueness in the job market.

Subjects Taught in Anthropology

The study of anthropology includes various theoretical and practical subjects, along with courses such as history, cultural, biological, and linguistic anthropology. Here are the main subjects taught across the four years of study:

First Year

  • Introduction to Anthropology
  • History of Anthropological Thought
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Language and Culture
  • Fundamentals of Anthropological Research

Second Year

  • Biological Anthropology
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Linguistic Anthropology
  • Ethnography
  • Theories of Anthropology

Third Year

  • Anthropology of Religion
  • Economic Anthropology
  • Political Anthropology
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
  • Study of Traditional Societies

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Fourth Year

In this year, students prepare a graduation project, either individually or in collaboration with classmates. The project must cover research developments in the field, with content varying based on students’ research interests and supervisors. Students complete the project application and testing procedures during the first and second semesters of this year.

What Students Learn in Anthropology

Students in anthropology gain a range of essential and advanced knowledge and skills that help them find distinguished job opportunities later on. It is important for students to learn the following:

  • Understanding cultural diversity: Students learn about different cultures and how to understand and analyze them.
  • Field research: Students acquire the skills necessary to collect and analyze data through field research.
  • Social analysis: Students learn to analyze social, economic, and political patterns in various societies.
  • Human evolution history: Students study human evolution through archaeological and biological evidence.
  • Interaction between language and culture: Students gain a deep understanding of how language influences culture and vice versa.

Duration of Anthropology Studies in Turkey

The duration of a bachelor’s degree in anthropology in Turkish universities is four years, divided into eight semesters. Additionally, students may spend a preparatory year for language if they do not have a language proficiency certificate, either in Turkish or English, depending on the university’s admission requirements.

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Top Turkish Universities for Studying Anthropology

Many Turkish universities offer anthropology programs, but some of the most notable ones are private universities, including:

Bahcesehir University

Studying Anthropology at Bahçeşehir University

Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul is one of the leading universities in the country, offering distinguished programs in various fields, including anthropology. The university has several advantages:

Advantages of Studying at Bahçeşehir University

  • English Language Education: Most programs at the university, including anthropology, are taught in English, giving students an advantage in the global market and increasing their opportunities for work and study abroad.
  • International Programs and Student Exchange: The university is a member of a global university network and offers many opportunities for student exchange programs with partner universities in Europe, the United States, and other places.
  • Modern Facilities: The university includes modern laboratories equipped with the latest technologies and tools needed for practical experiments and scientific research.
  • Research Opportunities: The university encourages scientific research and provides many opportunities for students to participate in research projects under the supervision of distinguished faculty members.
  • Practical Training and Industry Collaboration: The university offers opportunities for practical training in prestigious institutions, giving students valuable practical experience that enhances their skills and increases their employment opportunities after graduation.
  • Strategic Location: The university is located in Istanbul, one of the most important historical, cultural, and economic cities in the world, offering students a rich cultural experience and many professional opportunities.
    In addition to the above, Bahçeşehir University offers an active student life with many student activities, clubs, cultural, and sports events, enhancing the overall student experience.

Costs of Studying Anthropology in Turkish Universities

The fees and costs of studying anthropology vary across Turkish universities, depending on several factors, including the language proficiency of the student. If the student does not know Turkish or English, they will need to spend an additional preparatory year for the language, increasing the cost of study.

Other factors affecting the cost include the fees of each university and the facilities they offer students, as well as their global and local rankings, which significantly impact the cost of study.


Anthropology graduates can work in many fields, but they must possess sufficient knowledge and professional skills before holding a job position. Anthropology graduates have diverse job opportunities and wide fields of work, enabling them to utilize their knowledge and skills in various areas and different institutions. Some of the fields where anthropology graduates can find job opportunities include:

  • Academic and research institutions
  • Museums and cultural exhibitions
  • Non-governmental organizations and cultural associations
  • International development agencies
  • Tourism and cultural companies
  • Social and cultural consulting
  • Media and journalism
    Global companies and government institutions interested in cultural and social
  • l diversity
  • Archaeological research and excavations
  • Companies requiring social and cultural market analysis


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