Forensic science


Medicine and Health








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Program Overview:

forensic science is an important branch of medical science used in investigations and the search for criminal evidence. The curriculum of forensic science and forensic medicine programs encompasses various sub-specialties, different sciences, and the study of law to prepare graduates for a highly competent professional career after graduation. This field is particularly sensitive due to its connection to criminal and administrative cases, enabling professionals to track evidence and assist in the pursuit of justice. Turkey is one of the leading countries offering forensic medicine programs. In the following discussion, we will cover everything related to this program to help you make an informed decision about pursuing it and completing your university studies in Turkey.

What is Forensic science Program?

The Forensic science program is a medical program specializing in the study and examination of criminal evidence to serve justice through the proper evaluation and interpretation of obtained results. The study program goes beyond biological evidence such as blood, urine, DNA, and bones. It also covers the analysis of physical evidence related to documents, files, audio recordings, video files, as well as other evidence such as drugs, explosives, fingerprints, shoeprints, firearms, glass, and everything related to crime scenes or events. Due to this wide range of evidence diversity, almost all fields of health, life, and social sciences are utilized in the study of this program to collect, analyze, and evaluate evidence.

Forensic science

Studying Forensic science in Turkey:

Turkish universities offer highly efficient forensic science programs within their universities, with practical training being an essential aspect during the study period. This is accomplished through specialized forensic laboratories affiliated with universities or official laboratories. Students are also trained to conduct scientific research using the latest methods, equipment, and techniques to assist them throughout their study period.

The study of forensic medicine and forensic science in Turkey focuses on applying scientific and medical principles in the field of law and justice, providing the necessary knowledge and skills to evaluate medical and scientific evidence in criminal investigations and legal cases, while achieving academic excellence and increasing public awareness of various sciences related to the field.

The forensic science program usually spans 6 years to obtain a medical degree. During the first and second years, students study basic medical sciences such as anatomy, organ functions, and pharmacology. In the remaining four years, students are trained in forensic medicine, forensic pathology, forensic toxicology, and forensic genetics.

In addition to undergraduate programs, students can also pursue postgraduate programs in forensic science. These programs typically last for two years and provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in forensic pathology, toxicology, and genetics. Students are trained to interpret forensic medical evidence and understand its legal aspects. Those who wish to pursue a career in academia or research can obtain a Ph.D. in forensic science.

Core subjects taught in the forensic medicine program:

  • Criminology and evidence analysis
  • Mechanisms of criminal evidence tracing
  • Toxic evidence and analysis of various toxins
  • Forensic anatomy
  • Strategies for identifying perpetrators
  • Chemical evidence science

What does a student learn in the field of forensic science?

Studying forensic science program leads to the graduation of forensic doctors who have comprehensive knowledge in various specialties, a strong and reliable scientific foundation, and advanced practical experience in the field of criminal evidence. They are capable of working in evidence collection and analysis to achieve justice and its realization in society.

Forensic science

Duration of studying forensic science program in Turkey:

The duration of studying forensic science varies from one university to another, but generally ranges from 4 to 8 years. Initially, students join the Faculty of Human Medicine, and after completion, they can specialize in forensic medicine, which usually takes 4 years of study. However, some universities allow studying forensic science program for four years directly after completing high school.

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 Prominent Turkish universities for studying forensic medicine:

  1. İzmir University of Economics
  2. Istanbul Medipol University
  3. Bilkent University
  4. Biruni University
  5. Başkent University
  6. Altınbaş University
  7. Bahçeşehir University

biruni university

Studying Forensic Medicine at Biruni University

Located in the heart of Istanbul, Biruni University offers a six-year program in Forensic Medicine. This program provides students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in forensic pathology, toxicology, and genetics. Students also participate in clinical rotations in forensic medicine departments at hospitals to gain practical experience. Additionally, as a research-focused university that aligns with global values, the Forensic Medicine Department at Biruni University emphasizes scientific research, allowing students to engage in advanced research projects and contribute to the advancement of the field.

Benefits of studying forensic science in Turkey:

  1. Some of the key advantages of studying forensic medicine in Turkey include the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.
  2. Many forensic medicine departments in Turkish universities and hospitals are equipped with modern laboratories and advanced technology, enabling students to gain practical experience in forensic evidence analysis and autopsy procedures. Students are trained in the use of forensic software and databases used in criminal investigations.
  3. Studying forensic medicine in Turkey provides students with the opportunity to work with experienced and qualified faculty members.
  4. Many faculty members in forensic medicine departments at Turkish universities are experts in their respective fields, with extensive experience in forensic medicine, cadaver dissection, and forensic evidence analysis. Faculty members provide continuous guidance and support to students throughout their studies.
  5. Turkey is home to a large number of globally recognized government and private universities that offer distinguished programs in forensic medicine.
  6. Universities provide well-equipped modern laboratories and facilities for practical training.
  7. Studying forensic medicine in Turkey opens up employment opportunities for graduates in various fields such as forensic medicine, criminal justice, criminal investigations, legislation, and health-related laws.
  8. Turkey enjoys strong cooperation and partnerships with many other countries in the field of forensic and criminal sciences, providing opportunities for cultural and scientific exchange and research collaboration.


There are numerous job opportunities for graduates of forensic medicine and forensic science departments, as they can work in various government and private sectors related to criminal evidence search and administrative investigations. Some of the key job positions include:

  1. Working in the judiciary system.
  2. Criminal investigations.
  3. Quality control laboratories.
  4. Working in anatomy departments in hospitals.
  5. Tracking cybercrimes.
  6. Forensic science experts in insurance companies.
  7. Consumer safety and public health laboratories under the Ministry of Health.
  8. Official and private institutions involved in manufacturing/importing tools, equipment, and kits used in forensic laboratories.

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