Student Housing in Turkey | 5 Options for International Students

Turkey is considered a preferred educational destination for many students to pursue their higher education, especially Arab students, due to ..

Student housing

Turkey is considered a preferred educational destination for many students to pursue their higher education, especially Arab students, due to the numerous opportunities provided by studying in Turkey. However, student housing remains one of the most concerning matters for students before moving and traveling to Turkey.

Therefore, in this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on the types of student housing in Turkey to familiarize you with all available housing options for students. This will help you, as an international student studying in Turkey, choose the accommodation that suits your personal preferences, financial situation, or based on the university you are studying at. Let’s dive in.

Overview of Turkey

Turkey is located in Southeast Europe and Northwest Asia, serving as a bridge between the European and Asian continents. Ankara is the capital of Turkey, but Istanbul is the largest city and a major cultural center in the country. Turkey has been home to many ancient civilizations, such as the Lydians, Hittites, Lycians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, and Ottomans. After the end of Ottoman rule, the modern Republic of Turkey was established in 1923.

Culturally, Turkey is a diverse country rich in historical and cultural heritage, with stunning architectural treasures including temples, palaces, and mosques. The official language is Turkish, and Islam is the predominant religion in the country.


Turkey is also a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors with its breathtaking natural landscapes of sandy beaches and towering mountains. Moreover, Turkey is an international educational destination, as it is one of the most important countries attracting international students for studying. It houses a vast number of government, private, and foundation universities to suit all student choices.

Types of Student Housing in Turkey

Student housing is one of the most important considerations for students when deciding to study in Turkey. Therefore, finding suitable university accommodation is one of the first and most crucial steps for students, taking into account their social and financial circumstances, as well as the type of educational institution they are studying at. Turkey offers various options for student housing, including government-owned university dormitories, foundation housing, private student housing, youth hostels, and tourist housing. In the following, we will explore all the details about these types.

1. Government-Owned Student Housing:

This type of student housing is affiliated with universities and is often located within the university campus, which helps reduce commuting between the university and accommodation. This housing is managed by the KYK institution, affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and is spread throughout Turkey, estimated to have around 400 student dormitories with over 370,000 beds. This type of student housing is closed during summer vacation periods, with a few remaining open during the summer.

These types of student dormitories are characterized by their low fees and higher security measures. However, they are primarily dedicated to Turkish students. International students can join them by contacting the university they are enrolled in. It should be noted that private universities prioritize international students greatly for this type of accommodation.

Advantages of Government-Owned Student Housing:

  • Abundant availability at a low cost.
  • Provides all the necessities for students and is located within or near the university.
  •  High security with 24/7 surveillance.
  • Internet service and separate study rooms.
  • Laundry facilities for washing, drying, and ironing clothes.
  • Meal services for students.

Disadvantages of Government-Owned Student Housing:

  • Acceptance is usually prioritized for Turkish students, and only a small percentage of international students can access this type of student housing.

2. Waqf Housing:

Waqf housing refers to student housing affiliated with the Turkish Waqf Foundation or other charitable and religious institutions and associations in Turkey. This type of housing aims to provide a safe educational environment for students. Its strict rules that cannot be bypassed or negotiated are what sets it apart. The supervisors of this student housing provide religious seminars and lectures for students, although attendance is not mandatory for residents. Students are carefully selected through interviews to ensure their good morals, behavior, and commitment. This type of housing is widely available in three major cities: Istanbul, Antalya, and Izmir.

Religious student housing

Advantages of Waqf Housing:

  • It is widely available and the most common type of student housing in Turkey.
  • Provides the highest level of security for students.

Disadvantages of Waqf Housing:

  • Due to the strict regulations, students may not have the complete comfort needed for studying and pursuing their academic careers.

3. Private Student Housing:

Private student housing consists of residences established by private companies in Turkey. This type of housing offers a more comfortable and peaceful atmosphere than other types of student housing in Turkey. It is often located near universities, making it easy for students to commute. Students living in private residences enjoy more independence and privacy. Moreover, many of these residences are affiliated with specific universities.

Advantages of Private Student Housing:

  • Provides students with all comforts and amenities.
  • Offers the best privacy and independence for students.
  • Laundry facilities.
  • Multiple room options, including single, double, or triple occupancy.
  • Daily meal services for students.
  • Internet service.
  • Designated study areas.

Disadvantages of Private Student Housing:

  • Relatively higher cost compared to other types of student housing, with price variations within the same residence based on additional services and room types.

4- Youth Housing:

Foreign students in Turkey may not be able to find suitable opportunities for government, endowment, or private housing. At that time, they can resort to student or youth apartments, which are usually regular apartments designated for student or foreign youth accommodation in Turkey.

These apartments are specifically allocated for male or female occupants. This type of housing is highly popular among students with limited income due to its low cost. A group of students can share the rent of a single house or apartment, significantly reducing the overall cost compared to other housing options in Turkey.

Student housing

Advantages of youth housing:

  • Lower housing cost compared to private housing.
  • Rent includes utility bills (water, electricity, gas, internet).

Disadvantages of youth housing:

  • Setting up this type of housing is initially expensive as it requires paying a security deposit and furnishing the home completely.
  • This type of housing lacks privacy.
  • Monthly payments for electricity, gas, and water bills are required.

5- Tourist Accommodation:

This refers to apartments that are rented by the owner on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. These apartments are usually well-furnished, and the tenant pays the rent, which often includes all bills and associated services. Consequently, the price of tourist accommodation may be relatively high compared to other types.

Tips for Renting an Apartment in Turkey:

– Easy access to the university through transportation, especially metro or metrobus stations.
– It is advisable not to rent basement apartments due to high humidity levels.
– Pay attention to the heating system in the houses.
– Ensure the ownership of the person you are renting from by reviewing their title deed, known as “tapu” in Turkish.

Tips for Choosing Suitable Student Housing in Turkey:

When considering studying in Turkey and choosing student housing that aligns with your long-term needs, the following tips can be helpful:

  • Consider the duration of your studies to choose the appropriate housing type.
  • Government-owned student housing provided by universities is one of the best options in terms of cost, safety, and essential services.
  • Private student housing offers more comfort and independence but comes with higher costs compared to government housing.
  • Endowment housing suits students looking for an organized environment with a religious focus.
  • Private accommodations provide sufficient independence but require more responsibility.
  • Prioritize housing close to your university, especially in major cities like Istanbul, to save commuting time and avoid high transportation costs.
  • Consider your available budget and choose housing that suits your financial circumstances.
  • By selecting suitable housing, you can create a conducive environment for studying and ensure long-term stability.

In conclusion, this article discusses five types of student housing in Turkey, including government-owned housing, private housing, endowment housing, youth housing, and tourist accommodation. As an international student, you can choose among them based on your preferences. Safa Company, your first educational companion in studying in Turkey, can assist you in easily obtaining university admission and provide recommendations regarding the most suitable university housing to ensure a safe and stable study period.

Source: Student Housing in Turkey – Types, Features, and Prices

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