Pharmacy specialization in Turkey | 6 points make it an excellent choice for studying

Pharmacy is a sought-after field of study in Turkey, attracting many students due to the country’s significant advancements in the pharmaceutical industry. Turkey’s commitment to high-quality education and its blend of academic, social, and recreational offerings make it an ideal destination for pursuing a degree in Pharmacy. In this article, we’ll explore the key reasons why studying Pharmacy in Turkey is an excellent choice.

Overview of the Pharmacy Program

The Pharmacy program is a scientific and health-focused discipline that emphasizes the use of medications and pharmaceutical products to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes for patients. This field involves the study of drug composition, how drugs interact with the body, methods of drug production and distribution, and safe and effective usage strategies. Pharmacists must possess a deep understanding of chemical and biological sciences, along with strong communication and patient care skills, to provide comprehensive healthcare services.


Pharmacy education and training in Turkey span several years, blending theoretical lectures with hands-on training in hospitals and pharmacies. Students gain advanced skills in dosage determination, drug management, and teamwork within medical settings. The curriculum also includes research components, allowing students to contribute to the development of new drugs and the improvement of current treatment methods.

Advantages of Studying Pharmacy in Turkey

Studying Pharmacy in Turkey offers numerous benefits, contributing to the growing interest among international students. Below are some of the key advantages:

1) High-Quality Education and Diverse Programs

Turkey is renowned for its high standards in Pharmacy education, with prestigious universities adhering to strict academic criteria. Many Turkish universities offer programs aligned with global standards, providing students with a robust theoretical and practical foundation. Universities such as Istanbul Medipol University, Ankara Medipol University, and Bahçeşehir University are leaders in the field, offering comprehensive Pharmacy programs that include both practical and clinical training.

2) Affordable Costs and Financial Support

Compared to many Western countries, the cost of studying in Turkey is relatively low. Tuition fees at Turkish universities are significantly less expensive, making it an affordable option for international students. Additionally, numerous scholarships and financial aid options are available from both the Turkish government and universities to help cover the costs of education and living expenses.

Cost of Study

3) Practical Training and Advanced Facilities

Turkish universities also provide students with opportunities for practical training in modern laboratories and state-of-the-art medical facilities. This hands-on experience is crucial for gaining practical knowledge in drug manufacturing and interaction with cutting-edge technology. Pharmacy programs often include internships in hospitals and pharmacies, enhancing students’ professional skills and preparing them for the challenges of the healthcare industry.

4) Multicultural Educational Environment

Turkey serves as a bridge between East and West, creating a multicultural educational environment. Studying Pharmacy in Turkey gives students the chance to engage with diverse cultures and experiences, which enhances their ability to work in varied settings. Interaction with students and academics from different backgrounds fosters both personal and professional growth.

5) Research and Development Opportunities

Turkey is witnessing significant progress in scientific research, including pharmaceutical studies. Turkish universities encourage students to participate in advanced research projects, enabling them to contribute to the development of new medications and achieve important breakthroughs in the field. Research support and collaborations with pharmaceutical companies open up wide avenues for innovation and scientific excellence.

6) Cultural Integration and Life Experience

Beyond academics, Turkey offers a rich life experience with its diverse culture, vibrant urban scene, and historical landmarks. Living in Turkey allows students to immerse themselves in a new culture and language, which enhances their social and cultural skills.

You can read more about the pharmacy program and learn about it in the most important details from here.

Private Universities in Turkey

Duration of Pharmacy Studies in Turkish Universities

This program in Turkish universities typically lasts five years. The first four years are dedicated to theoretical studies, while the fifth and final year focuses on practical training in university-affiliated hospitals and medical centers. Additionally, a preparatory year may be required for language proficiency if the student has not yet mastered Turkish or English, further making Turkey an excellent study destination.

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Specialized Departments in Pharmacy

Pharmacy is one of the most prominent medical fields in Turkish universities, offering various specializations. Students can choose to focus on a specific department based on their interests, such as:


  • Biochemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Industrial Pharmacy
  • Microbiology and Immunology

You can also see: studying and working in Turkey in a comprehensive overview from here.

Top Private Turkish Universities for Pharmacy Studies

Several private universities in Turkey stand out for their high rankings and global recognition, making this field an attractive field of study. Notable universities include:

  1. Istanbul Medipol University
  2. Bahcesehir University
  3. Baskent University
  4. Biruni University
  5. Ankara Medipol University
  6. Istinye University
  7. Altinbas University

Note: For more details about each university, you can visit their respective websites.

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Admission Requirements for Pharmacy Studies in Turkish Universities

One of the appealing aspects of studying Pharmacy in Turkey is the relatively low admission requirements. Private Turkish universities typically do not demand high cumulative grades; students can qualify with a high school diploma, often with a minimum grade of 50%, while some universities require at least 65%.

In conclusion, studying Pharmacy in Turkey is an exciting and attractive option for students aiming to achieve their academic and professional goals in healthcare. With high-quality education, affordable costs, advanced practical training, and leading research opportunities, Turkey offers an ideal environment for ambitious students. The rich cultural experience and multicultural setting further enhance the educational journey, making Turkey the perfect choice for those seeking a comprehensive and fulfilling Pharmacy program.