A comprehensive guide about Master’s specialties in Turkey

Master’s specialties in Turkey are a significant concern for many students aspiring to pursue their higher education in Turkey, especially at the postgraduate level. Turkish universities offer a wide array of master’s specialties across various fields, including theoretical, medical, and engineering disciplines. This article will delve into more details about these specialties and provide a comprehensive guide to address students’ queries.

Overview of Master’s Studies in Turkey

Master’s studies in Turkey are a popular choice for international students due to the combination of world-class education and affordable tuition fees compared to other Western countries. Turkey is one of the most advanced and diverse educational destinations in the Middle East and surrounding regions.

Master's Specialties

Master’s programs in Turkey offer a wide range of specialties in various academic fields such as engineering, medical sciences, social sciences, arts, and administrative sciences. Many programs are available in English, attracting international students. Turkish master’s programs are distinguished by highly qualified faculty and the use of modern techniques in scientific research and education.

Additionally, many Turkish universities provide a vibrant and multicultural academic environment that helps students broaden their horizons and build international networks. Another appealing aspect is the affordable tuition fees and living costs in Turkey compared to Western European countries, making it an excellent option for international students seeking high-quality education at a reasonable cost.

Advantages of Studying Master’s Specialties in Turkey

Studying master’s specialties in Turkey comes with several advantages that make it attractive to international students:

– Focus on Scientific Research: The Turkish government places a significant emphasis on scientific research across various master’s specialties, allocating a substantial budget to research. This attracts a high percentage of international students, with approximately 18% of the total student population in Turkey being international students.

– Numerous Universities: Turkey offers master’s studies across more than 200 public and private universities, many of which have prestigious local and global rankings.

Master's Specialties

– Cultural Compatibility: Turkey provides an environment similar to the Arab lifestyle, making it more comfortable for Arab students compared to other European countries, thus attracting many Arab students.

– Qualified Faculty: Turkish universities boast distinguished academic staff across various specialties, ensuring high-quality academic content.

– Student Residence and Affordable Living: International students are entitled to residence permits in Turkey, with affordable housing options. Additionally, the cost of studying in Turkey is lower compared to other European countries and the United States.

– Healthcare Access: The Turkish government offers healthcare services through health insurance for international students, ensuring access to medical services at reasonable costs.

– English Programs: Many Turkish universities offer postgraduate programs in English and provide opportunities for students to prepare their theses and dissertations in Arabic in some other Turkish universities.

Methods of Studying a Master’s in Turkish Universities

Master’s studies in Turkish universities are divided into two main types, allowing students to choose their preferred method for studying their desired master’s specialty. Each method has its unique features:

1) Master’s with Thesis (Tezli)

This method involves a more research-oriented approach, where students complete a thesis. The duration of study is two years, divided into four semesters, with an additional year for writing the thesis.

Master's Specialties

2) Master’s without Thesis (Tezsiz)

This method is preferred by many international students due to its shorter duration, taking only one year divided into three semesters.

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Master’s Specialties in Turkish Universities

Master’s specialties in Turkish universities are diverse and highly regarded, offering students a variety of programs characterized by high-quality education that sets Turkish universities apart from others in Europe. Below are some of the key master’s specialties available at Turkish universities:

Overview of Master’s Specialties

Turkish universities offer a wide range of master’s specialties, including:

  • Engineering sciences such as mathematics and electrical engineering
  • Economics
  • Turkish language and literature
  • Islamic sciences
  • Medicine and its branches
  • Marketing
  • Architectural design
  • Law, including international law
  • Natural sciences such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, and earth sciences
  • Architectural studies
  • Social sciences and humanities
  • Administrative sciences
  • Psychology
  • Media studies
  • Genetics and hereditary sciences
  • Technological sciences such as computer science

Turkish universities strive to keep their curricula and courses in various fields up-to-date to provide comprehensive education covering most master’s specialties. This effort aims to meet the diverse academic interests and career aspirations of both Turkish and international students.

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Prominent Turkish Universities Offering Master’s Specialties

In recent years, Turkey has become one of the leading destinations for postgraduate studies worldwide. Many private universities in Turkey offer excellent opportunities for obtaining a master’s degree in various specialties.

These universities are centers of academic and research excellence, combining modern theories with practical applications to prepare students for the global job market. Here are some of the prominent private universities in Turkey offering master’s specialties:

  1. Istanbul Medipol University
  2. Istanbul Aydin University
  3. Istinye University
  4. Bahcesehir University
  5. Altinbas University
  6. Biruni University
  7. Istanbul Gelisim University
  8. Istanbul Okan University
  9. Ankara Medipol University
  10. Uskudar University

Note: For detailed information about each university and the programs they offer, you can visit their respective websites.

Costs of Studying Master’s Specialties in Turkey

As is known to all students, the costs of studying for a master’s degree vary from one specialty to another. Generally, medical specialties tend to have higher tuition fees compared to other specialties. Engineering specialties are relatively less expensive, followed by theoretical and administrative sciences specialties.

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On average, the cost of master’s specialties offered by Turkish universities is relatively affordable compared to universities in Western countries like Europe and the United States. Living costs also vary from student to student depending on their preferred living standards and other factors.

To provide a clearer picture, the cost of master’s specialties at private Turkish universities typically ranges between $2,000 and $5,000 per year, depending on the university and the specialty.


Turkey stands out as an ideal educational destination for international students wishing to pursue master’s specialties. Its high-quality programs, available at numerous internationally recognized private universities, and the relatively affordable cost of education and living make it an attractive option for students seeking an excellent educational experience in a culturally rich and safe environment.

Know about the cost of a master degree in Turkey

The cost of a master’s degree in Turkey is a significant consideration for students who have completed their undergraduate studies and are looking to pursue postgraduate programs in Turkish universities. Turkey has become a popular destination for many international students, particularly those from Arab and foreign countries, due to its high-quality education system and affordable living costs. In this article, we will explore various aspects of studying for a master’s degree in Turkey, including the cost of a master’s degree in Turkey and other relevant information.

Overview of Turkey as an Educational Destination

Turkey is an attractive educational destination for many international students aiming to pursue higher education. Its strategic geographical location, bridging Asia and Europe, offers a rich and diverse cultural experience. This geographical advantage also facilitates travel, allowing students to explore new civilizations and enjoy tourism opportunities.


In addition to its strategic location, Turkey is known for its rich cultural diversity, blending Eastern and Western civilizations. International students can immerse themselves in this cultural mosaic by interacting with locals, visiting historical sites, and tasting a variety of cuisines.

One of the main draws for students is the relatively low cost of living and the cost of a master’s in Turkey compared to many Western countries, Europe, and North America. Turkish universities are renowned for their high educational standards and offer a wide range of master’s programs across various disciplines.

The application process for master’s programs in Turkey is straightforward, with clear admission requirements. Moreover, Turkey provides ample job opportunities for international students post-graduation, particularly in fields related to their studies.

Turkey also boasts a moderate climate with four distinct seasons and is considered a safe country with low crime rates. The country’s advanced infrastructure includes excellent transportation networks, medical services, and communication facilities, all accessible throughout the year with special benefits for students.

Admission Requirements for Master’s Programs in Turkish Universities

Before discussing the cost of a master’s degree in Turkey, it is essential to understand the admission requirements for these programs, Which determine the cost of a master’s degree in Turkey Turkish universities have specific criteria for international students, which can be divided into basic and university-specific requirements.

the Cost of a Master Degree in Turkey

1) Basic Admission Requirements

  • Passport photos and a copy of the student’s passport.
  • Proof of residency in Turkey.
  • Undergraduate transcripts.
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate, authenticated by the student’s consulate.
  • Turkish language proficiency certificate, with the option to enroll in a preparatory year if needed.
  • English language proficiency certificate, such as TOEFL or IELTS.

2) University-Specific Requirements

In addition to the basic requirements, each university may have its specific conditions, Which determine the cost of a master’s degree in Turkey also؛

  • Some universities may require a Turkish citizen to sponsor the student.
  • Although a high school diploma is a prerequisite for undergraduate studies, some universities might still ask for it.
  • Language proficiency levels might vary by university, with some offering internal Turkish language courses.
  • Admission criteria for master’s programs may differ based on the undergraduate degree, particularly for specialized fields like medicine and engineering.
  • A resume, statement of purpose, and previous academic certificates might also be required.

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What is the Cost of a Master’s Degree in Turkey?

A critical concern for many students is the cost of a master’s degree in Turkey. Although costs vary by university, several factors influence the overall expenses beyond just tuition fees.

the cost of a master degree in Turkey

– Tuition Fees

  • Public Universities: Annual tuition fees range from $300 to $800.
  • Private Universities: Tuition fees range from $2,000 to $4,000, with costs for prestigious programs and medical specialties reaching $10,000 or more.

– Additional Costs

  • Registration Fees: Typically between $100 and $500.
  • Cost of Living: Monthly living expenses range from $300 to $1,000, covering accommodation, transportation, entertainment, and food.

Advantages of Studying for a Master’s Degree in Turkey

Aside from the cost of a master’s degree in Turkey considerations, there are numerous advantages to pursuing a master’s degree in Turkey:

the cost of a master degree in Turkey

  1. High-quality education and proficient faculty.
  2. Lower tuition fees compared to Europe and other regions.
  3. A wide range of master’s programs, some not available elsewhere.
  4. Multilingual programs in English, Turkish, and even Arabic.
  5. Internationally recognized degrees, facilitating further studies or employment globally, including in the EU.
  6. Student accommodations and discounts on transport and healthcare.
  7. Numerous private universities with advanced educational facilities and technologies.
  8. Scholarships and financial aid from the Turkish government.
  9. Exposure to both European and Asian cultures.
  10. Opportunities for part-time work during studies.

Turkey stands out as an ideal educational destination for international students seeking high-quality master’s programs at an affordable cost. With a diverse range of recognized universities, a rich cultural environment, and a moderate cost of living, Turkey offers a compelling option for students worldwide.

The cost of a master’s degree in Turkey is relatively low compared to other regions, making it an attractive choice for those pursuing advanced education in a safe and culturally enriching environment.