Social services






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Social Services is one of the most prominent disciplines attracting many students in Turkey and around the world. This discipline aims to serve the community, providing it with the necessary means and modern techniques to overcome obstacles and challenges in most sectors. Additionally, it offers solutions to various social problems. This article will highlight the key details about studying Social Services to help students better understand this field.

What is the Social Services Program?

The Social Services program is an academic field focused on helping individuals, families, and communities improve their quality of life and address social, psychological, and economic issues. This specialization involves studying, analyzing, and developing strategies and programs to support social issues.

Social Services

It includes studying the fundamental principles underpinning social practice, such as ethical values and humanitarian principles. Students are taught social and psychological theories that explain the behavior of individuals and communities and how to apply these theories in practical practices. The program also includes field training to apply skills and knowledge in real-world work environments, such as hospitals, schools, and social agencies.

Studying Social Services in Turkey

Studying Social Services in Turkey represents a distinguished educational choice for students who wish to work in community support and contribute to improving the quality of life for individuals. This specialization is important and increasingly in demand in Turkey, where the country is committed to developing social care systems and providing support to various community groups.

Students can study Social Services in Turkey at a variety of educational institutions, including public and private universities. During their studies, students have the opportunity to train in various institutions such as social centers, hospitals, schools, and non-profit organizations. This training helps them gain practical experience and apply academic knowledge in real-world contexts.

Moreover, studying in Turkey offers a rich cultural experience and opportunities to connect with students from diverse backgrounds, enhancing the educational experience and professional development in a supportive and advanced professional environment.

What Do Students Study in the Social Services Program?

The Social Services program aims to equip students with a broad range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that qualify them to understand community service deeply and apply this knowledge in various contexts. Here are the main subjects and skills that students learn during their university years in this field:

Social Services

1) Courses

  • Principles of Social Service: Students learn the principles and ethics of the profession, covering the fundamental principles that practitioners must adhere to in providing social services.
  • Social and Psychological Theories: This includes studying how social change occurs and how to influence it, along with social psychology theories focusing on studying human behaviors and their impact on individuals and communities.
  • Intervention Techniques and Practices: Students learn how to conduct comprehensive assessments of individual cases and develop effective intervention plans. They also learn to strategize working with individuals and groups to improve their quality of life and solve their problems.
  • Research Methodologies: This involves learning scientific research methods and applying them in case studies and academic research in social services, as well as studying local and international laws and policies.
  • Program Planning and Development: Students learn how to design and develop programs and initiatives aimed at improving social conditions. This includes studying cultural and ethnic diversity and its impact on providing social services and handling diverse cases.

2) Acquired Skills

  • Effective Communication: Students must learn active listening skills and clearly express ideas in a way that promotes positive interaction with individuals and groups.
  • Assessment and Analysis: Developing analytical skills to assess social needs and provide appropriate solutions.
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Enhancing the ability to handle complex social issues and make decisions based on thorough analysis.
  • Critical Thinking: Improving critical thinking skills to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and services and develop new strategies.
  • Crisis Management: Acquiring skills to handle emergency and social crises systematically and professionally.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Improving teamwork skills within multi-disciplinary teams to achieve common goals in providing support and services.

Social Services

Duration of the Social Services Program in Turkey

The duration of studying this specialization in Turkish universities is four years. The teaching method of the program may vary from one university to another depending on the university’s level, but it generally does not exceed four academic years in most cases.

Exceptionally, if a student is not proficient in Turkish or English, the university may determine a preparatory year for language proficiency. In this case, the duration of study will be extended to five academic years.

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Top Turkish Universities for Studying Social Services

Turkey boasts numerous universities offering programs in Social Services to accommodate the many students interested in this field, which plays a crucial role in developing and improving societal systems worldwide. These universities leverage their high-quality education and expertise to foster the success of students in Social Services. Here are some of the top Turkish universities for studying Social Services:

  1. Istanbul Medipol University
  2. Istanbul Aydin University
  3. Istanbul Bilgi University
  4. Istanbul Kent University
  5. Uskudar University
  6. Sabahattin Zaim University

Note: You can find detailed information about each university through the provided links.

Istanbul Kent University

Studying Social Services at Istanbul Kent University

Istanbul Kent University is one of Turkey’s prominent private universities, offering various specializations in sociology, including Social Services. The university stands out for its high-quality education and unique advantages.

Features of Istanbul Kent University

  1. High-Quality Education: The university provides many programs accredited by the Turkish Higher Education Council.
  2. Strategic Location: Situated in Istanbul, a major economic and cultural hub.
  3. Student Activities: Offers a variety of student activities such as cultural clubs, trips, and sports facilities.
  4. International Student Body: Welcomes many students from different countries, encouraging cultural exchange.
  5. Affordable Tuition Fees: Compared to other Turkish universities, the tuition fees at Istanbul Kent University are reasonable.
  6. Career Opportunities: The university has strong ties with numerous companies and institutions, providing excellent job opportunities for graduates.
  7. Bilingual Programs: Courses are offered in both Turkish and English.
  8. Student Support Services: Provides academic advising, medical services, and psychological support for students.


Tuition Fees for Social Services in Turkish Universities

Studying Social Services in Turkey is relatively affordable compared to universities in other European countries. Tuition fees vary depending on the university and the program. For example, annual tuition fees at private Turkish universities offering this program range from $1,950 to $7,000. This wide range reflects the availability of this specialization in numerous universities with varying educational standards and the language of instruction.

Additionally, other factors affect the total cost of studying, such as living expenses, accommodation, and personal expenses. These costs vary depending on the geographic location and living standards, including transportation availability and the cost of goods and services.


Career Opportunities in Social Services

The field of Social Services offers a variety of career opportunities for graduates, enabling individuals to work in diverse environments and address different social challenges. Here are some of the key career paths available in this field:

Social Worker: Provides support to individuals and families to help them cope with social and psychological issues such as poverty, domestic violence, addiction, and educational problems, working in hospitals, schools, social care offices, and government agencies.

Counselor or Psychological Advisor: Offers counseling and psychological support to individuals or groups to help them deal with personal and emotional problems, working in mental health clinics, schools, universities, and community centers.

Program Manager or Project Coordinator: Oversees the development and management of social programs and initiatives aimed at improving the conditions of individuals and communities, working in non-profit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, and private companies.

Child Care Specialist: Works with children and families to support healthy growth and development and address issues such as abuse or family changes, working in childcare centers, schools, and clinics.

Elder Care Specialist: Provides support and advice to elderly individuals and their families regarding health care, social services, and transitioning to care facilities, working in elder care homes, hospitals, and community centers.

Social Support Officer: Offers support to individuals receiving government or social assistance, such as financial aid or health care services, working in government agencies, relief organizations, and social centers.

Social Services Researcher: Conducts studies on social issues and evaluates the effectiveness of social programs and policies, contributing to developing better strategies for improving care and services, working in academic institutions, research centers, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.

Career Coach or Mentor: Provides support and guidance to individuals seeking employment or professional development, enhancing their skills and opportunities in the job market, working in employment centers, non-profit organizations, and consultancy offices.

Human Rights Advocate or Social Activist: Promotes fundamental rights and freedoms, advocates for social justice issues, and participates in campaigns and community awareness, working in rights organizations, community campaigns, and international organizations.

Universities Table

# List of universities Cost Seal Enroll


Istanbul Medipol University



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Nisantasi University



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Maltepe University



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Istanbul Aydin University



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Sabahattin Zaim University



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Istanbul Arel University



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İstinye University



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Uskudar University



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Istanbul Topkapi University



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Istanbul Esenyurt University



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Istanbul Kent University



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