5 Reasons to Study in Turkey

If you’re interested in pursuing your higher education abroad, especially in Turkey, you’re in the right place. Turkey offers numerous ..

Study in Turkey

If you’re interested in pursuing your higher education abroad, especially in Turkey, you’re in the right place. Turkey offers numerous advantages that make it an ideal educational destination for international students looking to study abroad after high school. In this article, we will discuss everything related to studying in Turkey and provide important information about life and living as an international student. Follow along with us.

Turkey is home to over 200 universities, including both public and private universities, as well as technical universities, institutes, and language schools. This provides students with ample opportunities to study various fields with high efficiency and academic excellence. Moreover, Turkish universities have well-equipped infrastructure with state-of-the-art facilities, including classrooms, laboratories, research labs, hospitals, and university-affiliated factories. This allows students to gain practical training in their respective fields throughout their study period and provides excellent job prospects upon graduation.

About Turkey

Turkey, founded as the Republic of Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923, marks the end of the Ottoman Empire. Located in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, Turkey is known for its diverse cultures, beliefs, ideas, nature, and history. This diversity is reflected in its way of life.

Turkey boasts several historical and archaeological cities alongside tourist and commercial cities. The major cities in Turkey include Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, which have become major urban centers due to their historical heritage and modern architectural designs.


International Student Life:

Turkey attracts thousands of international students every year due to its academic opportunities, practical training, and the peaceful and stable quality of life it offers. Here are some highlights of student life in Turkey:

Accommodation and Residences:

Student accommodation in Turkey is provided through university dormitories or government student residences. State-run residences, such as the Higher Education Credit and Dormitories Institution, are popular accommodation choices for students. They offer various amenities, including bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and study halls, as well as recreational facilities like swimming pools, sports gyms, and on-campus cafeterias, to ensure students’ comfort during their stay.

Off-Campus Housing:

In addition to university and government housing, students can also rent private off-campus apartments. This type of housing provides a range of options, from large luxurious apartments to smaller ones, and allows students to share accommodations, catering to different budget preferences.

Affordable Cost of Living and Scholarships:

Turkey offers an affordable cost of living compared to many other study-abroad destinations. The overall expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities, are relatively reasonable. Additionally, the Turkish government and universities provide various scholarships and financial aid programs to support international students financially.

Studying in Turkey provides a unique opportunity to experience a rich blend of cultures, receive a quality education, and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle as an international student.

Social and Cultural Life

In addition to the quality of education in Turkey, it is also characterized by a sophisticated level of social and cultural life, especially in major cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. Turkey enjoys a diversity of activities, and many cities host various events, film festivals, music, art, and international and national fashion events. Students can participate in and attend these events during their study period.


There is no need to worry about transportation from accommodation to the university while studying in Turkey. The country has a widespread transportation system within cities, providing students with easy and safe mobility. The main means of transportation include the metro, railway lines, metro buses, and inclined mountain train systems in major cities, in addition to maritime transport. Some discounts are also offered to students on transportation, which saves them costs during their studies in Turkey.

Training and Employment Opportunities

There are many training opportunities available to students while studying in Turkey. Many large multicultural companies provide students with opportunities for internships in various fields of study. Additionally, general training programs are implemented, and some private organizations offer internal training programs and provide job opportunities for students during their study period.


The general health insurance provided by the Turkish government ensures equal coverage for all international students. Students with general health insurance can receive medical services and treatment in private hospitals by paying a small price difference.

Study in Turkey

Advantages of studying in Turkey

Turkey represents a distinctive educational destination for higher education and postgraduate studies, as it includes major internationally recognized universities in most countries around the world. This guarantees students an excellent academic education that prepares them for integration into the job market after graduation with a high level of competence. The following are the main advantages of studying in Turkey for international students.

1. Reliable and high-quality higher education

Turkey ranks second in the world, with 94.2% of its population enrolled in various higher education institutions. It is also part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which is centrally located in Turkey, making it an excellent way to encourage international students to study in Turkey without worrying about the recognition of their degree. Graduating from a recognized Turkish institution within the European Union means that the degree is accredited and internationally recognized.

Turkey is one of the most successful participants in the international student exchange program Erasmus. It also offers many student exchange programs, such as Farabi and Mevlana, through the Erasmus program. This helps students and faculty members to transfer to participating universities, facilitating cultural and experiential exchange.

2. Diversity of universities and programs

Turkey has about 206 higher education institutions and academies, where more than 8 million students from around the world study. This large number of universities provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate studies in various programs and specializations. Students who wish to study in Turkey can choose from a large number of universities that suit their budget and academic preferences. Furthermore, the diversity of programs allows flexibility in choosing from a wide range of different disciplines.

3. Cultural diversity

Turkey is home to a diverse range of cultures and civilizations and enjoys a high level of mutual respect. This makes studying in Turkey a preferred choice for students who want to experience a different life alongside their studies and engage with different cultures and people. Remarkably, international students do not feel any kind of alienation or isolation during their study period, thanks to the presence of a large number of cultures and ethnicities, along with the friendly Turkish people who always welcome their guests.

4. Student Activities and Support

Studying in Turkey provides international students with a comprehensive educational environment that focuses on academic excellence, practical training, and student well-being. Turkish universities offer a wide range of student activities, including various student clubs, cultural events, and sports activities. They also provide healthcare services, counseling, and ongoing psychological support for students.

5. Comfortable Living Conditions

The cost of studying in Turkey is reasonable and affordable compared to many other countries. As an international student, you can meet your accommodation, food, beverage, and entertainment needs at reasonable prices. You can choose to reside in on-campus student dormitories or rent housing near the university at affordable rates that you can afford.

Requirements for Admission to Turkish Universities

  • Payment of university application fees.
  • Health insurance coverage for the duration of your studies.
  • Proof of financial means to cover the student’s study and living expenses in Turkey throughout the study period.
  • Language proficiency certification.
    • For English-medium programs, passing the TOEFL or IELTS language proficiency test with a score determined by the university is required.
    • For Turkish-medium programs, passing the TOMER Turkish language test or attending a preparatory year is required.

Required Documents

  • Valid passport.
  • Recent passport-sized photograph.
  • High school completion certificate.
  • Translated academic transcript in English or Turkish.
  • Student visa.
  • Receipt of application fee payment.

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life in Turkey

Key Factors Contributing to the Quality of Higher Education in Turkey:

  1. Accreditation by the Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and other accrediting bodies ensures that universities and their programs meet recognized standards of higher education quality.
  2. Turkey has established quality assurance agencies such as the Turkish Higher Education Quality Board (YÖDAK), which monitor and improve the quality of higher education institutions and programs.
  3. The competence of faculty members plays a crucial role in the quality of education. Turkish universities prioritize the appointment of highly qualified and internationally recognized academics.
  4. Universities in Turkey are evaluated based on their research outputs, publications, and contributions to scientific progress. High-quality research enhances the university’s reputation and educational expertise, making studying in Turkey a choice for thousands of international students each year.
  5. Many Turkish universities have invested in modern infrastructure, including facilities, halls, libraries, research laboratories, and research centers, which contribute to the quality of education.
  6. Studying in Turkey offers high-quality education through partnerships with reputable international universities and research institutions.
  7. Many Turkish universities offer programs in English, making them more accessible to international students.
    Scholarships and financial assistance programs provided by the Turkish government, universities, and private organizations make higher education affordable for both local and international students.
  8. All programs offered by Turkish universities in various fields, such as medicine and engineering, are accredited by professional organizations, ensuring that graduates meet industry standards.
  9. Turkish higher education institutions provide comprehensive student support services, including career counseling, academic guidance, and psychological support, to ensure the well-being and success of their students.
  10. Academic freedom is supported in Turkish universities, allowing faculty members to engage in critical thinking, research, and teaching without external interference.

In conclusion, we hope that through this article, we have provided you with all the information to help you decide studying in Turkey and obtain a high-quality academic education. Turkey offers the opportunity to live in a fascinating country and benefit from its cultural and historical diversity, while also earning an internationally recognized degree.

Source: 8 Things You Should Know Before Studying in Turkey

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