registering in Turkish universities and Obtain Your University Acceptance

Turkey has witnessed significant developments in the educational process, especially at the university and postgraduate levels, making it a unique ..

registering in Turkish universities

Turkey has witnessed significant developments in the educational process, especially at the university and postgraduate levels, making it a unique and sought-after study destination for both Arab and Western international students. However, registering in Turkish universities for these students requires meeting various requirements, conditions, and documentation.

Therefore, in this article, we have decided to provide a detailed guide on studying in Turkey, including all the information students need to study and obtain university acceptance. We will also explore the importance of studying in Turkey, which makes it the preferred choice for students from different countries around the world. Now, let’s get started together.

Information about Turkey

Turkey is a country located in Southeast Europe and Southwest Asia. It is bordered by Greece and Bulgaria to the west, Georgia to the northeast, Armenia, Iran, and Iraq to the east, Syria to the southeast, the Black Sea to the north, and the Mediterranean Sea to the southwest.

study in turkey

Turkey possesses a rich history and culture due to its coexistence with numerous civilizations and empires throughout history. It also boasts stunning geographical features, cultural and historical landmarks such as the Hagia Sophia Mosque, historical museums, and famous markets like the Grand Bazaar, making it one of the most important global tourist destinations. Turkey is also known for its cultural diversity. Despite its location in Eastern Europe, it now serves as a link between the East and the West, attracting a large number of Arab citizens for the purpose of study, tourism, or work. This makes it a home to many cultures, nationalities, and customs from different countries around the world.

Reasons to Study in Turkey

There are several reasons that drive international students to register in Turkish universities and obtain their academic degrees, whether at the undergraduate or postgraduate levels. These reasons can be divided into those related to the nature of life in Turkey and others related to the quality of education and academic programs. Below are the most important reasons:

1. Diversity of Academic Programs

Turkish universities offer a large number of academic programs in various disciplines and fields, including medical programs in various departments, engineering programs, business administration, law, media, and many others. This ensures that students have the opportunity to choose the major they wish to study at prestigious Turkish universities. Of course, this also means that tuition fees may vary from one university to another, helping students join the university and major that suits their academic interests and financial capabilities.

2. Possibility of Studying in English

Turkish universities provide students with the opportunity to study in English in addition to studying in Turkish in most of the programs they offer. This facilitates students’ studies and opens up broad prospects for them to work globally after graduation. All universities also provide preparatory courses in English and Turkish for students who have not provided certificates proving their proficiency in the language of study.

3. Unique Student Life

The benefits of enrolling in Turkish universities are not limited to a good studying experience and obtaining high-quality university education. Students also enjoy a rich student life by participating in various student clubs within universities, including cultural, sports, and social clubs. Moreover, there are many opportunities for students to participate in various events throughout their study period.

Turkey also offers a distinctive lifestyle for both local residents and foreign citizens. It has famous markets, tourist attractions, and historical landmarks, allowing students to experience a peaceful social life alongside their studies. This is facilitated by the friendly nature of the Turkish people who warmly welcome their guests and always offer a helping hand. Therefore, if you intend to study in Turkey, never worry about life in Turkey, as you will undoubtedly have a peaceful and stable life and feel as if you have not left your homeland.

Registration in Turkish universities

4- Reasonable Study Costs

One of the main concerns for students when deciding to study abroad is the high cost of education and tuition fees, which leads many students to reconsider studying outside their home country. However, there is no need to worry about that when enrolling in Turkish universities, as the cost of studying in Turkey is low and affordable for international students, and they can easily afford it.

There is also an installment system where students can pay the fees in installments. This system also applies to private universities, so there is no need to worry about university expenses. Of course, the word “private” might make you feel that the university fees are exorbitant and unaffordable, but the registration fees at private Turkish universities are not as difficult compared to studying at other European universities.

5- Large Number of Universities

Universities in Turkey are diverse, with more than 209 universities, including public, private, and non-profit foundation universities. This allows students a wide range of choices when enrolling in Turkish universities, enabling them to select a university that suits their budget and requirements. Education in Turkey is not limited to universities alone; there are also a number of institutes, language schools, and graduate schools.

This diversity provides students with the opportunity to study without any financial pressure or pressure related to choosing a major, as they will undoubtedly find a seat to study their desired program at one of the Turkish universities.

6- Various Types of Student Accommodation

When making the decision to study abroad, the first thing students look for is student accommodation. This is because stable study opportunities cannot be obtained without secure housing that qualifies students for a peaceful residence throughout their study period, whether it is long or short. Therefore, before enrolling in Turkish universities, you should familiarize yourself with the types of accommodation available in the country and the universities that provide on-campus student housing or contract with real estate companies to provide safe student housing near different campuses. To assist you with that, you can refer to our article on student accommodation in Turkey to obtain all the information you need.

7- Local and International Accreditation

The most important thing students look for when studying abroad is ensuring the accreditation and recognition of the university degree they obtain, both in their own country and in European countries in general, to ensure access to global employment opportunities in their respective fields. What is the benefit of an academic degree if the student cannot use it after graduation?

Therefore, there is no need to worry about this issue when enrolling in Turkish universities, as all universities in Turkey are accredited locally by the Turkish Higher Education Council. Additionally, most of them have international recognition in various European and Arab countries. Moreover, there are specific accreditations for each program of study that students pursue. Regardless of the specialization you want to study, you will find international and local accreditation that allows you to work in your field after graduating from the university. Just registering at Turkish universities puts students on the path to success in their academic and professional lives, thanks to Turkey’s good reputation in higher education among universities worldwide.

Studying in private universities in Turkey

Studying in private universities in Turkey is a great opportunity for students who aspire to achieve the highest level of academic excellence. There are more than 80 private universities in Turkey, including universities specialized in specific fields such as medical universities, engineering universities, and technical universities. These universities focus on selecting academic staff members who are renowned experts in their fields, including professors from leading local, European, and international universities. This ensures that students have the opportunity to study under specialized professionals at the highest level.

Private universities in Türkiye

Private universities in Turkey prioritize the efficiency of the educational process and also emphasize the quality of infrastructure. They have some of the most prestigious campuses in important geographical locations in Turkey. These universities provide state-of-the-art classrooms and various academic facilities that assist students in their studies, such as research centers, libraries, research labs, and laboratories. Additionally, they offer various support facilities, clubs, and student activities to create a vibrant university life that balances educational and recreational aspects.

Furthermore, when enrolling in private medical universities in Turkey, students have the opportunity to receive exceptional practical training. Most of these universities have hospitals and specialized medical centers dedicated solely to training students during their study period. Some universities also provide job opportunities for students after graduation.

Famous private universities in Turkey include:

  1. Istanbul Esenyurt University
  2. Istanbul Aydın University
  3. Yeni Yüzyıl University
  4. Sabancı University
  5. Altınbaş University
  6. Bilken University
  7. Özyeğin University
  8. İskenderun Technical University
  9. Istanbul Okan University
  10. Istanbul Kültür University

How to enroll in private universities in Turkey:

Now, let’s discuss the most important stage in our article today, which is how to enroll in Turkish universities. After learning about life in Turkey and the advantages of studying there, the crucial step is understanding how international students can obtain admission to prestigious Turkish universities.

Requirements for registering in Turkish universities:

  • Payment of the university’s annual fees.
  • Language proficiency certificate.
    • If studying in English, it is required to pass the TOEFL exam with a score determined by the university or pass the university’s English language test.
    • If studying in Turkish, it is required to pass the TOMER Turkish language test.
    • If the student does not have any language proficiency certificates (English or Turkish), they can attend a preparatory year before starting their chosen major.

Conditions for applying to universities

Documents required for enrollment in Turkish universities:

There are several documents that students need to submit when enrolling in Turkish universities to complete the registration process and ensure obtaining a university seat easily. These documents should be submitted before sending the university application and can be sent in PDF or JPG format during the initial registration phase to obtain the student’s preliminary acceptance. The required documents may vary depending on the university level (undergraduate or graduate), and although there are slight differences between the bachelor’s and master’s stages, some documents are common to both stages. The following are the necessary documents for application:

For undergraduate and diploma students:

  • Valid passport
  • Recent passport-sized photo (with a white background)
  • Copy of the high school diploma
  • High school transcript and its translation into English or Turkish
  • Student’s email address for university communication

For graduate students:

  • Submission of the latest university degree obtained by the student
    • Bachelor’s degree for master’s students
    • Master’s degree for doctoral students
  • Copy of the transcript translated into English or Turkish
  • Proof of payment of the application fee
  • Letters of recommendation (for master’s and doctoral programs)

You can Register with Safa to study in Turkey now and get your acceptance easily. Safa your Friendly Companion in your Education WhatsApp

Information You Should Know Before Traveling to Turkey

Before starting the registration process at Turkish universities, there is important information you should know about the country where you intend to stay for at least 4 years, and it may be longer if you plan to pursue postgraduate studies in a master’s or doctoral program after completing your undergraduate studies. To assist you with that, we provide you with the following information in the form of tips:

Tips for Studying in Turkey:

  1. Choosing the right university: Turkey is home to many prestigious and globally recognized universities. Therefore, before applying, you should conduct thorough research to select a university that aligns with your interests and offers high-quality study programs in your preferred field.
  2. Familiarize yourself with admission requirements: We discussed this part regarding the registration requirements for Turkish universities in the previous paragraph, but you need to check the admission requirements for the university you intend to apply to, including the required certificates and language requirements. You may need to pass the TOEFL or IELTS English language tests.
  3. Early preparation: When registering in Turkish universities, you need to plan and prepare early. This includes preparing the required documents and submitting your university application early to secure a study seat.

Student housing in Türkiye

Tips for Residing in Turkey:

  1. Try to explore Turkey during your study period: Take advantage of being in a famous tourist and historical country. During breaks, you can explore the city and visit major tourist attractions such as museums, markets, bazaars, experience local cuisine, and participate in cultural events held throughout the year. Our article on the best tourist attractions in Turkey may assist you with that.
  2. Although English may be widely spoken in some regions of Turkey, learning the Turkish language will facilitate your stay, interaction with local residents, and enhance your knowledge and understanding of Turkey.
  3. Use public transportation options such as the metro, as they are safer and more cost-effective.
  4. Determine your budget before traveling: Once you register at Turkish universities and secure your admission, you need to establish your own budget. This includes tuition fees, accommodation costs, personal expenses, food expenses, and entertainment expenses.
  5. Do not hesitate to ask for help when needed: There is no need to worry about this matter, as the Turkish people are friendly and always willing to help their guests.
  6. Ensure the availability of university-affiliated accommodation and apply early to guarantee your safety and stability during your studies. If university-affiliated accommodation is not available, you should choose one of the available housing options. However, for ease of stay, it is advisable to select accommodation near the university, public transportation, and city facilities.

How Şafa Company Can Help You with Your University Admission:

Don’t worry about registering in Turkish universities because Şafa Study in Turkey Company is your supportive companion and first assistant in obtaining a distinguished university admission at one of the prestigious Turkish universities. They will assist you in studying the major you desire. Additionally, they provide you with the best educational services throughout your study period. Rest assured about your university admission with Şafa Company because:

  1. They help you complete your paperwork for free without any costs.
  2.  They have a professional team that continuously follows up with you to provide all the assistance you need to obtain your university admission.
  3. They offer free consultations and recommendations to help you during your study and stay in Turkey.
  4. Şafa Company has extensive experience of over 5 years in dealing with Turkish universities and obtaining university admissions for their students.

In conclusion, we hope that through this article, we have provided all the information that helps our students complete their registration at Turkish universities, obtain a study seat at prestigious universities, and ensure a safe and stable study period.

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