Accounting and finance management


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Accounting and finance management is one of the most crucial fields today due to its significant role in managing any industrial or service-oriented institution. This field focuses specifically on financial matters and how to manage them to calculate a company’s or institution’s profits, losses, and expenses, revealing its financial outcomes at the end of the year. As such, accounting and finance management is a fundamental pillar for companies and institutions, essential from their inception. This highlights the importance of studying this field, leading to an increasing demand among students to study it in Turkey. In this article, we will explain the importance of this field by highlighting all its details.

What is the Accounting and Finance Management Program?

The accounting and finance management program is a core branch of management science, responsible for managing financial operations and numbers in various institutions and companies. Its primary goal is to calculate profits, losses, and expenses to determine the financial results at the end of the year. It is an essential part of any company, with a dedicated department handling accounting matters.

Accounting and Finance Management

Although accounting and finance management is not a new field, its demand among students has increased recently. This is due to the continuous development of global economic systems and the establishment of numerous new companies worldwide each year. These companies need financial accountants to manage their financial affairs and deal with financial challenges and risks to ensure their market sustainability.

Studying Accounting and Finance Management in Turkey

Studying accounting and finance management in Turkey is an excellent option for students interested in this vital field. Turkey offers a rich history and culture, providing a distinguished academic environment that supports students in achieving their academic and professional goals. Turkey is renowned for its high-quality education, with globally ranked universities offering advanced programs in accounting and finance management. These programs aim to provide in-depth knowledge in financial accounting, financial analysis, risk management, and investment.

Turkish universities offer bachelor’s programs in accounting and finance management in both Turkish and English. English-taught programs allow international students to interact with an international academic community and enhance their global employment opportunities. Compared to many other countries, Turkey provides affordable study costs, often lower than those in the United States or the United Kingdom. Additionally, students can apply for scholarships or financial aid.

Turkey’s rich history and culture are close to that of Arab students, with cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir offering a vibrant academic environment and diverse cultural experiences similar to those of Arab students. Furthermore, Turkey provides a high level of safety and modern infrastructure for students. Being a bridge between East and West, Turkey offers students a unique educational experience that embodies the interaction between major global economic markets.

What Do Students Study in Accounting and Finance Management?

Accounting and finance management is a field that combines theory and practice to prepare students for working in business and financial management environments. During their studies, students learn a variety of academic subjects and practical skills that help them succeed in this field. Here is an overview of the subjects and skills acquired by students in this field.

Accounting and Finance Management

1) Academic Subjects in Accounting and Finance Management

  • Principles of Accounting
  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Auditing and Internal Control
  • Taxation
  • Business Economics
  • International Financial Accounting
  • Investment Analysis

2) Skills Acquired in Accounting and Finance Management

  • Analytical Skills
  • Financial Planning Skills
  • Practical Accounting Skills
  • Financial Software Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Research and Inquiry Skills
  • Financial Management Skills

Accounting and Finance Management

Duration of the Accounting and Finance Management Program in Turkey

The duration of this program in Turkish universities is four academic years. The teaching method may vary from one university to another, but it generally does not exceed four years. Exceptionally, if a student does not master Turkish or English, the university may require a preparatory year to learn one of the languages, extending the study period to five academic years.

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Top Turkish Universities for Studying Accounting and Finance Management

Several Turkish universities offer programs in accounting and finance management, catering to the increasing number of students interested in this field, which contributes significantly to the success of economic systems worldwide. These universities provide high-quality education and benefit from extensive higher education faculties. Here are some of the most notable universities:

  1. Istanbul Medipol University
  2. Istanbul Aydin University
  3. Bahcesehir University
  4. Yeditepe University
  5. Isik University
  6. Istanbul Arel University
  7. Altinbas University

Note: You can find detailed information about each university through the provided links.

Istanbul Ariel University

Studying Accounting and Finance Management at Istanbul Arel University

Istanbul Arel University is one of the prominent private Turkish universities that offers a variety of specializations in business administration and economics, such as the specialization in accounting and financial management. The university is distinguished by its high-quality educational standards, being one of the prestigious universities in Turkey, and it enjoys several advantages that set it apart from other universities in Turkey.

1- Advanced Infrastructure and Modern Technologies

The university relies on the latest educational and technological tools in learning and teaching processes, including the use of remote learning and models simulating various management processes in accounting and finance that resemble real-world scenarios to enhance students’ practical training. This helps equip students with the technical and practical skills necessary to efficiently enter the job market.

2- Quality of Study Programs

The programs at Istanbul Arel University are also characterized by outstanding and specialized teaching staff, who provide support and guidance to students throughout their academic and professional journeys, contributing to building a strong and sustainable knowledge base for the students.

3- Practical Training Opportunities Alongside Theoretical Study

The university offers multiple practical opportunities for students through internships and applied projects. These opportunities help students apply the theoretical concepts they have learned in real work environments, significantly enhancing their practical and technical skills.

4- Supportive Academic Environment

The university provides a supportive and stimulating academic environment, with educational and research resources that foster students’ personal and professional growth in this field. This helps students explore their research interests and develop their skills in line with the modern job market requirements.

cost of study in turkey

Costs of Studying Accounting and Finance Management in Turkish Universities

Studying this field in Turkey is relatively affordable compared to other Western universities. The cost depends on the university and the study program. For example, annual tuition fees in private Turkish universities offering this program range between $3,000 and $9,500. This reflects the availability of this specialty in many universities at varying costs according to the educational level of each university.

Additionally, other factors affect the overall cost, such as living and accommodation expenses in the city where the university is located. These costs can also vary depending on the geographical location and living standards.


Accounting and finance management is one of the most diverse fields in terms of job opportunities, offering a wide range of careers that suit various interests and skills of graduates. Here are some of the most important career opportunities available for graduates in this field:


An accountant is responsible for recording financial transactions, preparing financial reports, ensuring the accuracy of accounting records, filing tax returns, preparing annual financial reports, and analyzing financial data to detect errors.

Financial Manager:

A financial manager is responsible for financial planning, strategic financial management, making investment decisions, evaluating investment opportunities, and developing long-term financial strategies to ensure sustainability and growth. They must also manage and guide teams to achieve financial goals.

Internal Auditor

An internal auditor ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of internal systems, compliance with standards and regulations, and prepares audit reports for senior management.

Financial Analyst

A financial analyst collects and analyzes financial data to provide investment insights and make financial decisions. They prepare analytical reports on investment results and market performance and offer recommendations on investment and financing opportunities.

Financial Advisor

A financial advisor provides advice to individuals and companies on managing their money and planning their financial future. They help clients make financial decisions related to investments, retirement, and tax planning.

Tax Manager

A tax manager handles a company’s tax issues, ensuring compliance with tax regulations, developing strategies to minimize tax liabilities, and managing complex tax issues.

Financial Risk Manager

A financial risk manager identifies and manages risks that could affect a company’s financial status by developing strategies to manage these risks and using quantitative risk analysis tools to assess and anticipate financial risks.

Financial Research Analyst

A financial research analyst focuses on conducting research to gather and analyze financial information about companies and markets, preparing research reports to guide investment decisions, tracking market news, and analyzing financial trends.

Universities Table

# List of universities Cost Seal Enroll


Istanbul Aydin University



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Istanbul Arel University



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