Psychological counseling and guidance


Medicine and Health

Social sciences






English , Turki


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Studying psychological counseling and guidance in Turkey offers a fruitful opportunity for students interested in a social, psychological, and educational field. Graduates of this program are in high demand to apply psychology across various institutions, not just in schools or universities as psychological counselors but also in mental health centers and other organizations. Turkey is a prime destination for studying this specialization due to its renowned universities and advanced educational methods, helping students discover themselves and, in turn, assist others in various areas. This article highlights the key details of this important program within the social sciences.

What is the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Program?

The psychological counseling and guidance program aims to train individuals to become psychological counselors and specialists in providing psychological support and advice. This comprehensive program covers various aspects of psychology and counseling.

Psychological counseling and guidance

This specialization focuses on diagnosing and evaluating psychological conditions. Students learn different assessment methods and how to use tools and techniques to accurately evaluate psychological states, as well as understanding how to diagnose various psychological disorders. Emphasis is placed on ethics and professional practices, studying the ethical principles to follow in counseling and learning how to manage cases effectively and respectfully.

Studying Psychological Counseling and Guidance in Turkey

Studying psychological counseling and guidance in Turkey provides students with exceptional opportunities to receive advanced education in psychological counseling, academic guidance, and career counseling. Turkish universities offer high-standard programs, featuring faculty members who are specialists in psychology and counseling with strong academic and practical backgrounds. This faculty provides necessary support and supervision, helping students engage with the latest research and developments in the field.

Many Turkish universities offer advanced programs, including master’s and doctoral degrees in psychological counseling and guidance, allowing students to specialize further. Some programs are available in English, making them accessible to international students. However, other universities may offer programs in Turkish, requiring international students to learn Turkish as part of their studies.

Turkish university degrees in this field are internationally recognized, facilitating graduates to work in various countries post-graduation. Turkish degrees are acknowledged in many countries, providing graduates with diverse opportunities in the global market.

What Do Students Learn in the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Field?

Students in the psychological counseling and guidance field study a variety of subjects and skills that qualify them to work effectively as counselors and psychological advisors. These subjects and skills cover multiple aspects of psychology and counseling. While they may vary slightly depending on the program and university, generally, students study the following:

Psychological Counseling and Guidance

1) Academic Subjects

A variety of courses are taught across different branches throughout the years of study in the field of psychological counseling and guidance to enable students to work efficiently in this field after graduation. Below are the key subjects covered in these courses.

Foundations of Psychology

This includes the study of fundamental theories and concepts such as perception, emotion, and behavior, as well as understanding how individuals develop across different life stages, from childhood to old age.

Counseling Psychology

This involves studying various counseling theories such as humanistic, behavioral, cognitive, and psychodynamic theories. Students also learn different techniques for interacting with clients, such as active listening, inquiry, and guidance.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Students learn how to use assessment tools such as questionnaires and psychological tests to evaluate an individual’s mental state. They also study how to diagnose various psychological disorders according to the diagnostic and treatment manual.

Academic and Career Counseling

This course focuses on helping students identify their academic goals and plan their educational paths, as well as supporting individuals in making career decisions and developing professional skills, including resume writing and interview preparation.

Individual and Group Counseling

Students learn techniques for interacting with individuals and providing personal psychological support. They also learn to manage and conduct group counseling sessions, including developing leadership skills and handling group dynamics.

Professional Ethics

This course covers the laws and ethical principles that govern the practice of psychological counseling, such as confidentiality, bias, and respect.

Psychological Counseling and Guidance

2) Practical Skills

  • Communication Skills: The ability to listen effectively and use body language and verbal expressions appropriately to facilitate interaction with clients.
  • Analysis and Evaluation: The ability to analyze information and data collected from assessments and interviews.
  • Decision-Making Skills: The ability to make decisions based on evaluation and analysis to provide appropriate counseling.
  • Case Management: Helping individuals achieve their goals.
  • Training and Supervision: Guiding and supervising new practitioners in the field.
  • Crisis Management: Effectively dealing with emergencies and psychological crises.

Duration of the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Program in Turkey

The duration of studying this specialization in Turkish universities is typically four years. The teaching method of the program may vary from one university to another, but it generally does not exceed four academic years. An exception to this rule is when a student is not proficient in Turkish or English, in which case the university may require a preparatory year to master one of these languages, extending the study period to five academic years.

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Top Turkish Universities for Studying Psychological Counseling and Guidance

Turkey is home to several universities offering programs in psychological counseling and guidance, accommodating many students interested in this field. This specialization contributes significantly to the development of psychological counseling systems worldwide, leveraging the high-quality education provided by some of Turkey’s most prestigious institutions. The following are some of the top Turkish universities offering this program:

  1. Istanbul Medipol University
  2. Istanbul Aydin University
  3. Istanbul Okan University
  4. Yeditepe University
  5. Istanbul Kultur University
  6. Sabahattin Zaim University

Note: For detailed information on each university, you can visit their respective links.


Studying Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Istanbul Medipol University

Istanbul Medipol University is one of Turkey’s leading private universities, offering various social science programs, including psychological counseling and guidance. The university is renowned for its high-quality education and prestigious reputation, along with several unique advantages.

Advantages of Istanbul Medipol University

Istanbul Medipol University provides an international educational environment and modern technological resources, ensuring students achieve the highest level of academic training.

  • Innovative Educational Model: The university offers a specialized and innovative educational model across various disciplines and programs.
  • Advanced Laboratories: Equipped with advanced technology and infrastructure, the university’s laboratories offer opportunities for scientific research.
  • Extensive Library: The large library supports educational development and student research across various fields.
  • Counseling Centers: The university includes multiple counseling centers staffed by qualified psychologists, providing personal and psychological support to students.
  • Modern Infrastructure: Medipol features state-of-the-art lecture halls, research labs, and extensive facilities.
  • Campus Activities: The university supports cultural and social activities, such as competitions, concerts, and various events organized through student clubs.
  • On-Campus Accommodation: Safe and well-equipped dormitories on campus ease the students’ commuting challenges in Istanbul.

Cost of Study

Costs of Studying Psychological Counseling and Guidance in Turkish Universities

Studying psychological counseling and guidance in Turkey is relatively affordable compared to other European countries. Tuition fees vary depending on the university and program. For instance, annual fees in private Turkish universities offering this program range from $3,500 to $7,000. These fees reflect the availability of the program across many universities at different educational levels and the language of instruction.

Other factors affecting the total cost of education include living expenses, accommodation, and personal costs, which vary based on geographical location and living standards, such as transportation and the prices of goods and services.


Career opportunities in psychological counseling and guidance require specific skills, training, and recognized degrees. This field allows professionals to work in diverse environments, providing assistance to individuals in various aspects of their personal and professional lives. Here are some prominent career paths:

Psychological Counselor:

Working in schools to provide psychological support to students, address behavioral and emotional issues, and assist in academic success, or in private clinics offering counseling for anxiety, depression, or trauma.

Academic Advisor:

Assisting students in educational institutions with academic planning and higher education opportunities.

Career Counselor:

Helping individuals in career centers with career path selection, resume writing, interview preparation, and skill development.


Working in clinics or hospitals using cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, or psychoanalysis to help individuals overcome psychological issues.

Family Counselor:

Providing support to families dealing with conflicts, improving communication, and addressing psychological issues within the family unit.

Life Coach:

Offering support and guidance to individuals to achieve personal and professional goals and improve quality of life.

Behavior Analyst:

Working with individuals or organizations to analyze and evaluate behaviors, develop intervention plans to modify unwanted behaviors, and teach strategies to improve performance.

Social Counselor:

Supporting individuals and families facing social and economic issues in social institutions and coordinating with social services for necessary assistance.

Human Development Specialist:

Helping employees in companies address work-related issues, career development, and improving work environments.

Academic Researcher in Psychology:

Conducting research in universities or research centers, publishing scientific results, and contributing to knowledge development in psychological counseling and guidance.

Skills Trainer:

Providing training in personal and professional skills such as communication, time management, and leadership in companies or educational institutions.

Universities Table

# List of universities Cost Seal Enroll


Istanbul Medipol University



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Ibn Haldun University



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Maltepe University



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Yeditepe University



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Istanbul Aydin University



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Sabahattin Zaim University



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Istanbul Kultur University



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Istanbul Okan University



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TED University



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